hes not been on all day.
pound to pinch of shyte hes not at work today
Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
pound to pinch of shyte hes not at work today
missed that
lucky old him.
Im starring at the NEC 3 days next week on a stand selling food inspection equipment.
its a glam life
The tight arsed get will have to get 'tinternet access at home!
but he wont up his posting rate with silly posts or is it he reached 1000 and he'll calm down, probably not as he's now building and will hit problems etc
Funny thing is we all calm down a bit on the posting once the dam car is near completion,although i must admit ned is like a kid with a new toy.
Ned has his chassis now so this week will do him a favour
yeah bob, remeber the days when we used to post a lot?
anorack statistic - neds posting rate is 50% higher then mine (!!!) and is higher than any of the top 8 poster list on the main page.....post away ned
- makes me feel better
[Edited on 19/9/03 by stephen_gusterson]
Im starring at the NEC 3 days next week on a stand selling food inspection equipment.
Thanks mark,i'm gonna have nightmares now
oh yeah - right - a bikini.
thats where I was going wrong.
I thought natural was best.
if I could make bonus doing it, i might give it a try
yes i was off on friday stephen, and yes i am off next(/this) week.
I do have a computer at home, except i blew it up about a year ago (fried circuitry somewhere) nd can't be bothered to fix it.
I'm patiently using my parents pc at the moment on dial-up, i forget how slow it is!
Anyway re: posting, perhaps i will calm down, perhaps i will post more as I come across problems
I've been in touch with James several times the last couple of days, hes been a great help *thanks James* I am still welding up the chassis, but
should have bits to get a bit further during the week, possibly get the engine trial fitted and front end rolling by next weekend...
Originally posted by ned
I've been in touch with James several times the last couple of days, hes been a great help *thanks James* I am still welding up the chassis, but should have bits to get a bit further during the week, possibly get the engine trial fitted and front end rolling by next weekend...
Ahhh ain't young love grand!!
I'm popping over his house tomorrow... with my nosecone, might take some sneaky pics of his work lol
nice new wheels ben