thats exotic posting, not erotic posing....
Timf recons he posted to the site from a 747 over the Atlantic.
I post from such exotic locations at milton keynes and on hols Cyprus.
whats the most flashy place you have posted to the site?
[Edited on 8/10/03 by stephen_gusterson]
erm... my computer room. does that count? never been out of the city...
but I'm hoping to stretch my modem cable to the khasi!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you spell Kahsi, Kasi,Carsey,.......................
er Bog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hicost managed it from his hospital bed with a 9210 Communicator!
i did it from williamsburg indianna,but thats another story
n i posted from singapore ??? does that count ??
Ummmm no where exotic... but i'll keep it in mind next time i'm on holiday !
about 40 miles off the top of Scotland during a really bad swell that had most of the ship's company puking (including me). barrel of laugh's that was
Internet cafe while looking at loads of tarts wearing eye patches held on with dental floss
Costa Rica, Honduras, Hong Kong, Korea but best of all on board a £20 million yacht in Cannes harbour. And doing it again in Feb. All using UMTS 3G technology on a compaq iPaq or tablet PC.
On the toilet
Austrian Internet cafe whilst every other barstard was out snowboarding coz I'd done my knee in!
P.S. Bob, what's the story with these .art files of yours? I can't open them!
fly away for a couple of days and steve starts a new topic .
i've just looked to see if they have network ports in the dunny on this plane so i could say on the bog in a 747 but i can't so will have to
settle for on the plane.
You should be able to open it,let me see noe what does that button do.
Are .art files not Mac format??
I can't get 'em open in any MS apps or Adobe.
Title sounds good though
It was your posting on a 747 that prompted it
so its all your fault
Originally posted by timf
fly away for a couple of days and steve starts a new topic .
i've just looked to see if they have network ports in the dunny on this plane so i could say on the bog in a 747 but i can't so will have to settle for on the plane.