Does anybody know where to buy Go-Kart kits from which are motorised? as i would love to build one at a cheap price
i was just looking at carts on ebay. aint that a funny one?!
Dunno where to get kits from but a google search should pull something out. I wanna put a big bike engine in a slightly bigger than normal kart, that
would be fun.
where in leeds are you?
Hahha i've bin looking at kit cars recently but thought karts may be cheaper!
Moortown in Shadwell.
yeah carts should be cheaper but its not likely to be road legal! Anythings cheaper if you do your own welding though. Its more about time than money i've spent hours on mine. Next time i'll just buy a chassis and put a daft engine in it.
i've got all my life ahead of me so time is no probs. but u can have road legal ones. saw sum on ebay over week dun up to 80mph. i was choughed!