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Useless Facts
rabiddog - 10/11/03 at 08:40 PM

Found this site kept me amused for a few minutes, with useless facts


Mk-Ninja - 10/11/03 at 08:43 PM

Im off to Guam

chrisg - 10/11/03 at 09:24 PM

Seems like a good job, I did most of Sheffield in the 80's.



kingr - 10/11/03 at 09:25 PM

It would have been more amusing if I didn't know many of the "facts" to be untrue. Still read it right through though


Alan B - 10/11/03 at 09:46 PM

Agreed, some of the "facts" seem to be of questionable accuracy...

35% my ass....

go back and check....

Mark18 - 10/11/03 at 10:16 PM

I particularly like this one:

"Houston we have a big f#@king problem." ~the crew of Apollo 13~

JoelP - 10/11/03 at 10:29 PM

i was thinking michelangelos quote was quite a good one!! and the mayor of hiroshimas...

stephen_gusterson - 10/11/03 at 11:48 PM

thats almost complete tosh

like 'coke' use it to wash their engines out.

what a great publicity move that would be!

