finaly'after weeks of struggling to find somwhere to build car found perfect solution. sold present house and got another with land to build as big a garage as i want. now to decide how big . a bit drastic,but i will have a locost.
I say as big as the planning office will let you! and high enough to stick in a ramp, amazing how handy those things can be!
well the guy that i,m buying the house off has allready laid a fourteen inch thick concrete raft twenty feet scuare . apparently i dont need planning permission unless i exceed thirty square mtrs floor where did i put my trowel......
My parents have a massive 3 car wide, dry, powered garage (single width door though), but unfortunately it's 300 miles away
We moved house (renting) to get a garage too. It's pretty small though, you can fit a sierra estate in it but little else.
Tried to get my friend's Elan S2 in there yesterday to have the roof off (some joker slashed it ) so he could exchange it but it
wouldn't fit. I forgot how bloody wide they were.
Good luck with the garage.
Just out of interest how much would you reckon it would cost to build such a garage all in?
[Edited on 14/11/03 by mackie]
If you see my previous thread never mind building sports cars for £250..... you will see that a builder told me a brick built garage will cost around
As for 30 square meters thats not right, the total VOLUME must not exceed 70 cubic metres it must be less than 4m high within 5m of your house and at
least 1m from any boundary if it falls within 3m of your house its classed as an extension and the building must be sectional for it to qualify for
planning free status.
I plan to build a 24ft by 12ft garrage of timber and tin roof reckon by shopping around will cost about £500
Then again I am a self employed joiner and get my materials at trade
I've got a garage with free air conditioning in the winter and freee heating in the summer. It also has a HUGE sunroof that actually covers the
whole roof. The walls and door are invisible, and it has a natural earthen floor.
Lots of nice features, don't you think? Anyone for a swap?
will happily swap garages with you. But mines unmoveable so will have to go out there and you come over here.
By the way, winter over here never drops below 20^c and it never ever snow's or rains. So ideal really.