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Video recorder is no more (RIP)- what next?
ELO - 15/4/08 at 06:31 PM

Hey folks,
Got a (non-car-related ) question for you...
Our video player has finally packed up and so we need a method of recording the tele.
Nothing too flash needed just something simple and reliable, any suggestions?
What do you use? Any good? What should I stay away from?
I leave it in your hands!

Stuart_B - 15/4/08 at 06:33 PM

i use a hard drive dvd recorder. I think mine was a good buy.


cerbera - 15/4/08 at 06:35 PM

Hard drive recorder all the way
Especially ones with time shift function and pause rewind live TV.....Godsend

David Jenkins - 15/4/08 at 06:37 PM

I have a Sony hard drive recorder that includes a DVD recorder, and my neighbour has a Panasonic one. Both work VERY well, are easy to use and you will be amazed by the quality of recordings - equal to what was broadcast, near enough.

mackei23b - 15/4/08 at 06:37 PM

Hard drive recorder as well, it's a 'HUMAX' dead easy to use.



r1_pete - 15/4/08 at 06:38 PM

Another hard drive dvd, Liteon, had it 2 years or so, no problems...

David Jenkins - 15/4/08 at 06:42 PM

What always boggles my mind is when you start to record a program, get bored with whatever else is on and decide that you would rather watch the program you're recording... and you can!

So the machine is busy recording, while you're watching the recording from the beginning...

graememk - 15/4/08 at 07:24 PM

i love my sky+ wouldnt be without it

caber - 15/4/08 at 07:59 PM

Forget getting anything new just spend time in the garage when there is boring stuff on!


owelly - 15/4/08 at 08:23 PM

Oh well done. This thread has just reminded me that I was supposed to record the second episode of Waking The Dead for SWMBO. Unfortunately, it started 23 minutes ago. I'll be off to the doghouse........

geoff shep - 15/4/08 at 08:46 PM

If you had a hard drive recorder and it had been on that channel you could go back and record it!

Humax 9200T - twin freeview tuners so you can watch one and record another - actually due to the way channels are grouped you can record two channels and watch a third. Really easy to programme (just click OK on the programme guide), pause live, time shift etc. Now with automatic series recording.

mangogrooveworkshop - 15/4/08 at 09:20 PM

Sky+ or a VBox BT VISION freeview
or asda tesco have hard drive recorders on freeview 80 quid

better as Caber says go to workspace and create something usfull

ChrisW - 15/4/08 at 11:58 PM

I use a combination of Sky+, and an (original) XBox hacked to run XBMC hooked up to 'TheBox' and 'BitMeTV'.

Thinking about it... maybe that's why I have so many unfinished projects....


ELO - 20/4/08 at 01:10 PM

Thanks for the responses guys.
Hard drive recorder it looks like then...
And I'll blame all of you if it goes wrong