Does anyone know where i might be able to find an old fuel drum with which to construct a barbie?
I am in the notts area. Any ideas would be most welcome
I thought Barbie had blonde hair?
yip I had strange visions of a colossal metal Barbie doll for a mo
like Metal Mickey in drag
Though i can think of nothing better than setting ablaze a life size metal barbie doll it is the fosters drinking aussi style "throw those shrip
on the barbie" style fuel drum i am after.
be a bit stinky no? with all that burning oil or diesel...
I have a big stack of empty ones from filling up the digger, wouldn’t want to cook with them
'Nother idea is to use a washing machine drum instead....
just make some out of some scrap steel, helped a friend make this one on sunday - works perfectly!
Made this one,
bbq grill
Dead easy too and no nasty diesel / oil fumes.
If your after an empty drum you might struggle as i kno the ones we have at work have a £20 surcharge on them if you dont return them.
[Edited on 13/5/08 by locoboy]
Ask at your local garage , they may have some they are only to happy to give away.
That is brilliant! How did you do the text at the top?
Originally posted by chris.russell
just make some out of some scrap steel, helped a friend make this one on sunday - works perfectly!
calor gas cylinder - see plenty of thosebeing dumped.
you would need to fill it with water or use some other means to ensure it is empty before instroducing mr grinder to it.