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In at number 8....
Alan B - 1/12/03 at 01:30 PM

Ned is now on the leader board...

Proof that nedding works....


(serial nedder and guster....)

sgraber - 1/12/03 at 02:49 PM

Oy! I need well over 2,000 posts to catch up to Gusterson!

How in the world can/do you guys post so much?!

Do you ever get ANY work done? or is this considered work and I've just been misinformed by the missus.


kingr - 1/12/03 at 02:52 PM

Why does that not comes as a suprise? The person I was slightly supprised how high up the high posters list was Viper with 995 (996 when he replies to this post!).

My posting has slowed down a lot with my change of Job. Not necesarily a bad thing - This one's far more interesting for starters.


David Jenkins - 1/12/03 at 03:12 PM

I think the leader board should be posts/month, or some other form of posting rate.

This is entirely due to sour grapes after being knocked off 10th place, first by James and now by Ned!


stephen_gusterson - 1/12/03 at 03:13 PM

Davids onto something

I have been on here since around feb last year - I have 20+ months to get to the embarassing position of what looks like the most prolific poster.

There are at least a couple people on here that by this time next year will have blown me into the dust.



PS - based on posts per day and not total posts.......

"OK is the alternative UK top 10"

10 Jon Ison = 2.3
9 Viper = 2.48
8 ChrisG = 2.46
7 Colmaccol = 2.84
6 Conrod Kid = 3.2
5 Bob = 3.38
4 Stephen_gusterson = 4.15
3 Hellfire = 5.28
2 Ned = 6.23
1 JoelP = 7.66

U can do what ya want with stats - PS - this isnt an exhaustive list - more indicative.

[Edited on 1/12/03 by stephen_gusterson]

Jon Ison - 1/12/03 at 04:58 PM

my excuse,

got me head in a box o GT1 bits, they MUST be moving under their own power by end Jan, mid Feb latest,

trouble is still not sure wot motor to use..............

Metal Hippy - 1/12/03 at 05:05 PM

I thought you'd settled on the 'bird?

ned - 1/12/03 at 05:57 PM

Please note, that although I have posted a lot since registering, that proportionally (evidence is posts per day) joelp is now the fastest poster on the forum.


Northy - 1/12/03 at 07:50 PM

Where do you find al the stats?

Where am I? My missus says I'm on here too much so must be up there somewhere


JoelP - 1/12/03 at 08:25 PM

click on profile at the bottom of your post. You have 1.3 per day and 0.63% of the total!

and my post rate is falling from over eight a day, so this doesnt count as gusting!!

Northy - 1/12/03 at 08:27 PM

But how did the Gustornator get his list? He didn't go clicking o the profiles of all the usual suspects did he?

Cheers (must get my post rate up)

Jon Ison - 1/12/03 at 11:28 PM

fancy a bigger bird ????????????

JoelP - 1/12/03 at 11:43 PM

well assuming i keep catching mr ison at a rate of 5 posts a day, in 4 months i should be on the board!! fame at last even if it is a triffle sad...

having said that, i dont have much to post about anymore as many of my problems are solved!

stephen_gusterson - 2/12/03 at 12:06 AM


It wasnt that involved.

first I looked at the top 8 posters, then I looked at the other 20 or so top posters.

Finally, looked at the 'newest users' bit, looking at those that were new members with high posts. Took about 10 mins.

So its not exhaustive.

Isnt it strange to see everyone blaming everyone else in the quest not to be the most prolific at anything

at the end of the day its the bollox factor that counts. Some people post meaningless crap. Some are knowledgable and respected. Some are fun to read, others dreaded, others tolerated.

One mans favourite poster is anothers 'o sh%t, another load of crap'.

I know mine, im sure you know yours.



Originally posted by Northy
But how did the Gustornator get his list? He didn't go clicking o the profiles of all the usual suspects did he?

Cheers (must get my post rate up)

jollygreengiant - 2/12/03 at 08:42 PM

Ok so I'm a crap poster. I don't care but I've got my excuse(s)
1. I'm crap anyway (at posting).
2. I seem to spend all my time working, so that I can afford my build, as soon as I get round to paying for the chassis (January's looking good )
3. Ive had a crap year one way or another.
4. having said windows xp seems OK I've just spent a month(ish) off line.

Answers on a post card to S. Gusterson


stephen_gusterson - 2/12/03 at 09:44 PM

dont forget jollyg i know (roughly) where ya live

welcome back, and a better next year!



jollygreengiant - 2/12/03 at 10:54 PM

Cheers steve. maybe it is getting better all ready. Got my computer up & running again, my daughters not saying much cos she bit through her lip, my sons going to have a quiet christmas cos he broke both the bones in his wrist 2 weeks ago (6 - 8 weeks still to go with a cast), My wife is slowly getting over her imotional rollercoaster, & the local d*ckh**ds tried to nick my imobilised doner again, This time they managed to move the car 5 feet backwards and put a battery on it for me!

You just gotta larf at thier inteligence.


Viper - 3/12/03 at 07:03 PM

Originally posted by kingr
Why does that not comes as a suprise? The person I was slightly supprised how high up the high posters list was Viper with 995 (996 when he replies to this post!).

My posting has slowed down a lot with my change of Job. Not necesarily a bad thing - This one's far more interesting for starters.


Ah see thats where you arew wrong coz i posted elsewhere before i read this thread. So big raspberrys to you...

JoelP - 3/12/03 at 11:33 PM

but will i beat you to a thousand?!?!

posting freak? me?

[Edited on 4/12/03 by JoelP]