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Turkey shooter
ChrisW - 22/12/03 at 02:28 PM

Say bye bye to another afternoon at work!


Mk-Ninja - 22/12/03 at 02:59 PM

Ill be fed up of turkeys by christmas..

Good game

Hugh Paterson - 22/12/03 at 03:24 PM

Mmmmmmm gobbled by a turkey with attitude, not sure what to think, good fun though, especially if u have a small mind
P.s. stuff the Turkey Im having beef

Jasper - 22/12/03 at 04:57 PM

Nice one Chris, we can always count on you!

theconrodkid - 22/12/03 at 08:30 PM


DrEagle - 22/12/03 at 11:23 PM

Wot no Badgers?