I'm building a computer from spare bits for the grandkids and have been scrounging drivers and stuff off the net. I put it together to see if it
would start upand the bios report said "No keyboard present. Press F1 or del to continue". Der!!!. It's working now but I have an
unknown device detecting at startup which it wants me to install drivers for, anybody got any unknown device drivers for a winnex 1 motherboard.
yours, Pete.
unplug every PCI device other than the graphics card, take the mouse out too if it has one.
then add bits in one at a time, restarting until you get the error again, then aquire the drivers for whichever device causes it
It's an integrated mobo and has nothing else plugged in. I found if I let it register as Other Devices in the System it doesn't report it
any more so it can be ignored. They'll only want to play games on it anyway. Thanks.
yours, Pete
You might try visiting the MB manufacturer's website and downloading BIOS upgrades, device drivers, and whatever they have. With fingers
crossed, this may do the trick for unrecognized devoices.
I got all the graphic and sound drivers from the intel and QDI websites. I've got a bios update but the floppy drive is redundant so I can't
do it yet. It's just to use up some bits lying around so I'm happy now it boots and runs. It's an intel celery 400 for nowt so they
will be o.k. for kids games on it, dinosaur hunter and the like.
cheers all, Pete.
You'll probably find that the integrated devices can be turned off in the BIOS. 'unknown device' sounds like a windows 95/98 thing so
my suggestion would be the USB ports?
I think my best bet would be to disable the plug'n'pray so it doesn't detect anything. It boots up without a warning now and just
yellow flags the device in system. It's made a decent machine out of nothing now it's running. I can recommend AIDA 32 to find out what you
have in a machine if you're not sure of the bits.
yours, Pete.
PCI bridge comes to mind.
Does it have a network interface on the MB? NICs are commonly not recognised by the OS.