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heheh - funny poster thats not meant to be funny
saigonij - 31/8/08 at 08:16 PM

sorry, but this made me laugh more than it made me worry....

"Terrorists, your game is through, 'cause now you have to answer to / Met Police, f*ck yeah! "

( ill probably be detained now for mocking.... if so, please give my kit car to science... )

[Edited on 31/8/08 by saigonij]

Benzine - 31/8/08 at 08:18 PM

terrorists need to eat! have you seen anyone suspicious buying groceries?

terrorists need to walk. have you seen anyone in a shoe shop acting strangely? Perhaps they dropped some documents with bomb making instructions whilst they were trying on their new trainers.

[Edited on 31/8/08 by Benzine]

saigonij - 31/8/08 at 08:21 PM

terrorists need to buy porno mags... have you seen anyone acting suspicuously when buying a porno mag?

blakep82 - 31/8/08 at 08:24 PM

i do all that stuff! i must be a terrorist!

saigonij - 31/8/08 at 08:26 PM

SHHHHHHHH!!!! ( knock knock at the front door )

Project7 - 31/8/08 at 08:34 PM

Nice bit of fear mongering propaganda there.

Im so scared by it all i think we should have more of our civil rights taken away.

Andi - 31/8/08 at 08:55 PM

Nice bit of fear mongering propaganda there.

Im so scared by it all i think we should have more of our civil rights taken away.

I agree, No more random blats unless you have a tracker.
"do you know who visits terrorist websites"
I was always led to believe that the big brother ECHELON systems tracked all dodgy internet traffic.

Mansfield - 31/8/08 at 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Andi

Im so scared by it all i think we should have more of our civil rights taken away.

RK - 1/9/08 at 12:38 AM

I once knew a guy in passing who used to work on the same floor as my office. He was a financial planner or something. He also ATE AT THE LEBANESE KEBAB place EVERY DAY! Yes, you guessed it, the RCMP arrested him!

bitsilly - 1/9/08 at 08:34 AM

Semtex, bush, terrorism, 911, bombs and other words like that should never be used together on any forum, as they have software to track you down and th

bitsilly - 1/9/08 at 08:35 AM

Semtex, bush, terrorism, 911, bombs and other words like that should never be used together on any forum, as they have software to track you down and th

bitsilly - 1/9/08 at 08:35 AM

Semtex, bush, terrorism, 911, bombs and other words like that should never be used together on any forum, as they have software to track you down and th

bitsilly - 1/9/08 at 08:38 AM


blakep82 - 1/9/08 at 05:31 PM

ha ha, loads of triple posts these days

02GF74 - 3/9/08 at 01:41 PM

I know someone with a large collection of mobile phones.

Do you think I should report the O2 shop then?