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Hellfire - 9/1/04 at 12:28 AM

Not at all related to the Kit Car scene. However, in the hope that at least one of you guys can help (a fellow member) with a problem we have.

From a total of 60 litres, 15 litres is unleaded petrol and 45 litres is diesel.

Consider the engine is diesel - what would be the quickest, cheapest way to flush the petrol out? Do petrol/diesel emulsify into a solution which will burn (albeit roughly). Will the petrol float on top of the deisel, allowing me the possibility of syphoning the petrol off?

Any help would be appreciated as the bloke I'm writing on behalf of, doesn't want to knacker up the deisel engine, being as it's his works Van...

Cheers in anticipation!!!

stephen_gusterson - 9/1/04 at 12:50 AM

this was talked about recently - do a search

the concensus is just run the diesel with the petrol in it - it will survive.

not so if it was vice versa

it seems to mix and people have in the past thinned diesel in this way for winter use. I remember my grandad saying trucks used to mix parrafin



theconrodkid - 9/1/04 at 08:47 AM

twill rattle n smoke a bit,drain it out n put it in a space heater,thats what i do

Hugh Paterson - 9/1/04 at 09:49 AM

Just run the stuff through the engine, I used to put 6 litres of petrol into my diesel astra every winter a couple of years ago, it was still running when I flogged it with 160,000 on the clock, Who needs heater plugs anyway