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Thank god for handbrakes!
I dunno about the brake pad, but i would sort out ur meter reading and stop drinking those girly cocktails!!
All photos should be presented on a blank surface with a plain white background, you ought to know you will be ridiculed for your drinking habits if
you don't drink beer. We'll be round to cut the gas off on Tuesday by the way.
I reckon there was at least another 3 stops left in that pad, or one emergency stop.
yours, Pete.
Heh, the pack-o-Bols was a christmas present. I got hard liquor aswell though, and several gallons of beer.
I also have a girlfriend
Gas meter reader man didn't seem interested in getting out of him van when my girlfriend answered the door a bit late... His problem.
In future indeed I shall take pictures against a blank background
Shiny bare metal would have been more impressive
The leading edge is nice and shiney where it was meeting with the little lip on the edge of the disk (created by the swept area being worn away). Made
a nice noise, that did.
Queue trip to local motorfactors and a couple of hours fiddling