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Ferrari International Assistance at it again....
smouldin - 12/10/08 at 08:42 AM

I am a big F1 fan, but the decisions the stewards at these races are making are diabolical.

Yes, Lewis 'forced' the Ferrari wide, but isn't that just hard racing? - Maybe a penalty, but very harsh.....

Yes, Massa probably deserved his penalty for flipping Lewis out, but again, it was just hard racing and a harsh decision.

But the incident between Bourdais and Massa was as far as I can see completely Massa's fault. They were fighting for track position and Bourdais has the inside line & Massa turned in on him. How does that constitute a penalty to the Toro Rosso driver?

IMO these decisions are ruining a very competative season.

Rant over.........

[Edited on 12/10/08 by smouldin]

Russ-Turner - 12/10/08 at 09:26 AM

Why do you have the above thread title when as you state in your post you think that Massa received a harsh penalty?

smouldin - 12/10/08 at 09:40 AM

It was harsh, but fair.

What was unfair, was the way Massa took himself out and someone else in an office elsewhere on the track, blamed Bourdais.

This gives them another point at the expence of the Torro Rosso team.

If the stewards are so vigilant at dishing out penalties, maybe they should take a look at who destroyed Coulthards rear suspension on the first corner......

Oh hang on, a Ferrari wasn't involved, so it went by the wayside.......

britishtrident - 12/10/08 at 10:02 AM

The Bourdais. penalty is unfair --- Massa should take the blame but a penalty on either is wrong. Massa just needs to be officialy given a "Little Book of Calm". (anybody remember Bill Bailley in a classic "Black Books" episode ) -- same can be said for Lewis.

But it really would be better if the stewards stopped penalising every racing incident particularly when they consistently apear biased towards the red cars.

The Japanese GP is always a farce either because of rain or red mist.

[Edited on 12/10/08 by britishtrident]

BenB - 12/10/08 at 10:52 AM

Hamilton was driving like a gimp but the 25 second penalty was ridiculous. Surely if you cause someone to spin and force them to the back of the grid you should join them there too?
Maybe it's just the rules that need changing

IE in my opinion the penalty should be equal to the effect on the other driver.


crash into someone and finish their race = you get black flagged

nurf someone after cutting a corner a la Massa and put someone to the back of the grid = you join them there

force someone behind you to go wide but then they overtake you anyway = no harm done, no penalty

Surely that would make racing a bit fair. At the moment the drive throughs and post-race penalties just take the piss. Most of this years championship will be decided in the stewards enclosure!!!!

Like I said at the top Hamilton was driving like a twonk but the race-rigging really is getting ridiculous. As Marky boy said on TV its getting to a nanny state where the racers will be too scarred to say "boo" to each other.

Paul TigerB6 - 12/10/08 at 11:25 AM

Frenchman to be given duff engine for next race

I'll have £20 on his Ferrari engine packing up at the next race. What odds do i get please??

BenB - 12/10/08 at 11:26 AM

Actually, I was just looking at the footage on youtube (no doubt the FIA will get it removed in a minute or two!!)...

Hamilton, Kovaleinen and Kimi all went hooning into the first corner. Both Hamilton and Kovaleinen went way wide. Seems strange that it was just Hamilton that got penalised (before Kovaleinen broke down)...

BenB - 12/10/08 at 11:29 AM

in fact looking at it closer, Hamilton didn't force Kimi wide it was Kovaleinen going wide that did!!!

What a bag of pants.....

Mark G - 12/10/08 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by BenB

in fact looking at it closer, Hamilton didn't force Kimi wide it was Kovaleinen going wide that did!!!

What a bag of pants.....

Very true, I've never seen anyone get a penalty before for a first corner incident as minor as that.

From where I'm sat I feel that the FIA knew that they pretty much had to penalise Massa for hitting Hamilton so to minimise the effect on Massa's chances they decided to penalise Hamilton aswell.

As for Bordais getting a 25 sec penalty I think that just takes the biscuit as it was quiet clear that Massa drove into him and Bordais had nowhere else to go!

Just my opinion though.

alister667 - 12/10/08 at 12:39 PM

Nope, from where I was sitting Lewis drove into that first corner like a total numpty. He deserved a penalty for it, as did Massa later on for trying to take him out.

*ducks for cover*

Massa should also have been penalised for driving off the course to get past Webber however.

Bordais wasn't doing much wrong as I saw it.

In my opinion of course

rusty nuts - 12/10/08 at 12:49 PM

What is the point of the white line if it's not the pit exit ? If a driver leaving the pits crosses the line white line he is penalised so why not penalise drivers on the track for crossing it? The whole point of the white line is driver safety is it not?

lotustwincam - 12/10/08 at 01:03 PM

So as I see it, Bourdais gets penalised for exiting the pit lane, keeping well to his own side and causing a collision with a car that he probably couldn’t see!

On the other hand, it seems that its OK to pass a car by not only going off the delineated track, but even crossing the chevrons that are obviously put there to protect the pit lane exit. To me that was a ludicrously dangerous manoeuvre. There is no way that Massa would have known if anyone was about to exit the pit lane. But then again, if there was, according to the FIA’s ruling on the previous incident, it would have been the exiter’s fault anyway.

Wasn’t it interesting that all the penalties were handed out during the race apart from one? It’s hard not to think that the FIA were waiting to see the final result before seeing what was the best way to skew them!


RK - 12/10/08 at 02:57 PM

Watching that over and over, I can't see where LH did anything wrong other than spinning his wheels, and flat spot his tyres in the first corner. So what if KR was forced wide? He would have easily overtaken him again if LH had continued with the bad tyres.

Hamilton just blew his race the first corner. Pretty simple to see now. He should have his throttle figured out by this point in the year though shouldn't he? I don't really like Alonso, but good race for him and Kubica.

skydivepaul - 12/10/08 at 03:53 PM

This explains everything

Sniff, Friday, September 12th, 2008 at 3:06 am
Posted in Motorsport
Following unfortunate misunderstandings in the Grands Prix at Valencia and Spa, the FIA has revised the Red Car Rule for Formula 1. These amendments will be applied with immediate effect:
1) Overtaking a Ferrari is not permitted under any circumstances.
2) In the pit lane, a Ferrari always has precedence over other cars.
3) Any driver finishing less than 25 seconds ahead of a Ferrari will be penalized 25 seconds.*
4) If neither Ferrari finishes in first place, the stewards reserve the right to declare the result null and void (or to adjust it as necessary).
5) Only Ferrari drivers are permitted to use anything other than ‘designated’ parts of a circuit.
6) If forced off the ‘designated’ part of the track by a Ferrari, the guilty driver should immediately crash his car and return to the pits
6) Any driver or team appealing against any FIA decision in favour of Ferrari may be subject to a fine and/or the deduction of points.
*Subject to post-race adjustment by the stewards.

russbost - 12/10/08 at 04:53 PM

I've said this b4, but I'll say it again, unless Lewis wins the championship clean & clear with no way of being critiscised, he will not be "allowed" to win the championship, the gift to Massa of an extra point for the Bourdais incident could easily decide the championship.

Yes Lewis got the red mist & drove like a numpty into the first corner, but so did Kovi, Massa & several others, they said afterwards the low track temperatures caught them out with lack of grip. Lewis, didn't hit Kimi. just pushed him wide, then Kovi pushed him a little wider - TTBOMK no one has ever been given a penalty b4 for a bit of pushing & shoving thro' the first corner.

The whole thing is so obviously being stage managed for a last race cliffhanger it's becoming a worldwide laughing stock, not a sport - one can only hope that Massa retires in the next race, that would really screw up thir scenario!

Mansfield - 12/10/08 at 05:17 PM

The whole thing is so obviously being stage managed for a last race cliffhanger it's becoming a worldwide laughing stock, not a sport - one can only hope that Massa retires in the next race, that would really screw up thir scenario!

Couldn't agree more, the season being decided before the last round is about the only thing that Bernie et al hate more than a Ferrari not winning the championship.

Ridiculous. Spoilt. Biased. Again.

[Edited on 12/10/08 by Mansfield]

[Edited on 12/10/08 by Mansfield]

omega 24 v6 - 12/10/08 at 05:36 PM

Not sure whether Lewis should have been punished on the first corner scenario. He wasn't the only one to run wide and certainly no harm was done to man or machine. Masa spining him off was a fair penalty. Masa and Bordais was a fair penalty IN REVERSE WTF. Ans as for the Massa over take on the inside at the pit exit I cannot remeber seeing anything AS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS/FATAL as this ever in F1. Surely this ferrari only allowed misuse of pitlane area (3 incidents in 5 races)has to stop before someone is seriously injured or worse.
Have to say that Lewis was his own worst enemy today

Mansfield - 12/10/08 at 05:47 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
Not sure whether Lewis should have been punished on the first corner scenario. He wasn't the only one to run wide and certainly no harm was done to man or machine. Masa spining him off was a fair penalty. Masa and Bordais was a fair penalty IN REVERSE WTF. Ans as for the Massa over take on the inside at the pit exit I cannot remeber seeing anything AS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS/FATAL as this ever in F1. Surely this ferrari only allowed misuse of pitlane area (3 incidents in 5 races)has to stop before someone is seriously injured or worse.
Have to say that Lewis was his own worst enemy today

Again, I completely agree. You have to wonder what the FIA PR dept think of all this.

theconrodkid - 12/10/08 at 06:12 PM

The whole thing is so obviously being stage managed for a last race cliffhanger it's becoming a worldwide laughing stock.

thats pretty obvious,just take a look back at what happened last year in the final few races,whats the betting hammy has a "problem" or some more dodgy drive through,s in the next 2 races

chris-p-duck - 12/10/08 at 07:59 PM

The easiest way to put a spanner in the works of the of the FIA stage managing would be for McLaren to get Kovalinen to just drive into Massa in the last race. Then at least we would get the entertainment of seeing how the stewards 'massage' the results to keep Massa on top!!

RickRick - 13/10/08 at 06:37 AM

that ones easy, just disqualify mclaren completely for using "team orders" especialy as there's plenty of talk about kimi now supporting massa

rusty nuts - 13/10/08 at 06:49 PM

Massa also has Alonso in support as well.

MikeCapon - 14/10/08 at 06:59 AM

Worth reading