I've just been listening to the news and the government are advocating adding £5 to speeding fines and £10 to jailable motoring offences like no
insurance to pay for criminal compensation. So if I get burgled the motoring fraternity will be sponsoring the nerk who robs me instead of making the
ones who do the actual crimes and get caught pay for the ones who get away with it. You couldn't make it up, could you?
yours, Pete.
I think this lot have lost the plot, the trouble is whats the alternative, there all as bad. The worlds gone mad.
Think I might have to start a locost boat and get out
i think its £5 extra every time you get caught.
personally, i believe the all criminals should pay for the full damage of their crimes, plus the expense of catching them, plus rent whilst in jail.
That would sort thieves out soon enough...
moral of the speeding thing is, dont speed where you will get caught. like long straight country roads...
seems OK in leeds, cops dont seem to bother me.
personally, i believe the all criminals should pay for the full damage of their crimes, plus the expense of catching them, plus rent whilst in jail. That would sort thieves out soon enough...
labour seem to be on a suidice mission to alienate as many of the 28 million car driving voters in this country as they can.
1. you cant park 51cm from the kerb
2. you cant do 34 mph without getting a 60 fine and approx 1/4 of your license and livelyhood shagged
3. traffic wardens that will try and nick you for everything.
4. a fiver for victim support as you are a criminal. the best bit is if you get jail you get a 30 quid fine, as if being jailed for a motoring offence
is gonna make a 30 quid fine significant!
Then, we have someone in the media that speaks about arabs in a non PC way and a witch hunt starts
then there is the 'cant have hot water un your bath' nanny state rule being debated
totally f u c ke d
[Edited on 12/1/04 by stephen_gusterson]
Kilroy-silk has made a good point,the arabs are right.
just chop a limb of the the offenders that will cure the problem
No wonder more people are emigrating
Here is an experiment phone the Zcar drivers and report that your car has been broken into........then phone your local pizza delivery man and order a
delivery...........NOW SEE WHO TURNS UP FIRST>>>>> ............................................................
Yep your right
and i think i've worked out the reasoning on this one.
Over crowded prisons
the enforcment agencies seem hell bent on nicking people for let us say pay as you go offences,obviously its easy money and secondly the jails dont
get overfilled.
If they keep catching burglars and murderers it will cost more in building more prisons.
the local pizza hut in mk has always got a big queue outside - but they still deliver.....
thing is, a fiver on a sixty pound fine aint gonna be noticed much by me.
my lack of vote for labor next time might be......
I had my Clio stolen 3 years ago on a Saturday night. I reported it and the police never even came to see me. It was not found and I had to contact
them again to get a case number for the insurance. Still no police involvement. Total waste of time, I finished up about £2000 out after it was all
sorted but that bill has to be footed by me.
yours, Pete.
Originally posted by Stu16v
Where would they get the money from to pay their fines? By commiting more offences unfortunately....
I become enraged when I hear about burglars who litigate against home owners they are trying to burgle. There was a guy who came in through a skylight
and fell on a knife, and he won.
There was and old bloke who got done after hitting a 20-something intruder with an iron poker while trying to protect his wife of 50 years too,
fucking sick. What's he meant to do, 70 yr old man cannot fight a 20yr old to the ground by himself, by they deemed it to be excessive force.
People should have the right to defend themselves in their own homes.
a dog is the best deterent,closley followed by a baseball bat
A friend of a friend found his car had been broken into and rang the police. He wanted someone to come out, they said they didn't have anyone
available. He then said he thought he'd seen a man he suspected was the culprit in his garden with what he thought was a gun. they were there
within 15 mins.
just goes to show.
ps he should have said it was an arab with a gun, they'd probably have been threre in 5 mins in that case!
Originally posted by theconrodkid
a dog is the best deterent,closley followed by a baseball bat![]()
So whats the score if your dog bites the burglars knackers off then?
Apart from a vital removal from the gene pool, whats gonna happen?
Can you still be done for not having control over your dog? Or will the poor blighter be put down for doing the country and planet a service?
[Edited on 13/1/2004 by GO]
Originally posted by GO
So whats the score if your dog bites the burglars knackers off then?
Apart from a vital removal from the gene pool, whats gonna happen?
Can you still be done for not having control over your dog? Or will the poor blighter be put down for doing the country and planet a service?
[Edited on 13/1/2004 by GO]
burglars who plan on facing a dog usually have WD40 (i think thats the one) to squirt in its eyes. bad news for the poor mutt...
my brothers godfather got blinded by armed robbers who chucked ammonia in his eyes.
anyone see that wall of silence last night? should be life NO parole in those cases. maybe some system of public voting to determine sentences. shame
most people are muppets who cant seem to judge right from wrong anyway...
anyone who enters my place does at their own risk,i would kill them and see what happend later,my dog would only be doing his duty,there is summat
bout this on the box tonight i think
what about the drug dealer caught with a gun,said he did a dangerous job and needed it for protection,got away with it!muppets indeed
Apologies to those who listen to the programme and have heard all this before:
There's been a law debate on Radio 4's Today programme recently and they held a 'people's law' article where they firstly
encouraged people to write in suggest new laws and they got some tame MP to agree (in advance) to sponsor the winner's law through parliament.
Once a selection of suitable laws had been made listeners were able to vote on their favourite.
It's all here:
From various things I've heard since the government/media have all been rather surprised at the result!
For those that can't be arsed to read all the link- basically the winning law was that homeowners should be able to defend the homes with any
means necessary!
With any luck it'll get through....
On Christmas Eve a panel chose a shortlist of five ideas. Their decision was based largely on popularity but they also threw out ideas which were
patently unreasonable - the beheading of people caught towing caravans during daylight hours, for example.
Why is that unreasonable?
Originally posted by James
With any luck it'll get through....![]()
Originally posted by Metal Hippy
On Christmas Eve a panel chose a shortlist of five ideas. Their decision was based largely on popularity but they also threw out ideas which were patently unreasonable - the beheading of people caught towing caravans during daylight hours, for example.
Why is that unreasonable?
Only problem with that is thats (almost) exactly what the american constitution states...
right to bear arms to protect your home or something.
Obviously guns would still be illegal but I could see it going that way.
what ever happened to the english man's home is his castle
in that case i'm rigging boiling oil from the roof/ ramparts
Originally posted by timf
Originally posted by Metal Hippy
On Christmas Eve a panel chose a shortlist of five ideas. Their decision was based largely on popularity but they also threw out ideas which were patently unreasonable - the beheading of people caught towing caravans during daylight hours, for example.
Why is that unreasonable?
that would get rid of gunderwosit then![]()
I think it's unreasonable because the beheading equipment manufacturers are all out of business......electrocution equipment is readliy available
and therefore much more reasonable and practical...
Originally posted by Alan B
I think it's unreasonable because the beheading equipment manufacturers are all out of business......electrocution equipment is readliy available and therefore much more reasonable and practical...
Reminds me of a friend on a camping holiday - went outside for a leak, found an electric fence.
Laugh? we nearly started!
i have towed a caravan in the past, but havnt offended in about 8 years now.......may happen again with age tho......
Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
i tow a caravan all the time. i think its because of this im building a morgan fake
i cant understand why some people take offense to the proposed new law? Describing it as mass slaughter of 16 year olds... Are they stupid? teenage
delinquancy is a direct result of the fact that nobody really gets punished these days. Once a few had been beaten, mutilated or outright killed, they
would get the idea.
The needs of the many (society as a whole including potential future offenders) outweigh the needs of the few (the few who dont learn in time and die
I learnt long ago that in many situations, you have to be cruel to be kind. Many many situations, you think you are helping someone or being kind to
them, when really your actions are just making them soft or weak. For instance, lending friends money, when what they really need is a kick up the
arse and a job. or letting your neighbours play loud music late, when in reality it will only get worse and someone may kill them for it one day.
'scuse the rant anyway...
and just to complete the jekell and hyde thing, i will point out that violence encourages hate and hate leads to violence, so maybe at times it is best to be restrained.
Originally posted by Metal Hippy
im a closet homosexual that can visit you at your own place and shag all night in my caravan - just call 'hipster' on 1800 shagalot
Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
i tow a caravan all the time. i think its because of this im building a morgan fake
Could explain a lot Steve....
Joel, I agree 100% with your first rant...
People have to get the message....going into other peoples house to steal things is not acceptable...
You'll soon see how much burglaries with drop off...
To add, I strongly believe that once you begin to undertake a criminal act then you forfeit the rights that the rest of us have.....e.g. being able to sue your victim is just ridiculous
Originally posted by GO
Only problem with that is thats (almost) exactly what the american constitution states....
Don't carry a baseball if you get caught, you are carrying an offensive weapon if you use it to cause injury you will be charged with intent, A pc friend told me if you must carry something (in your car or by the house door ) make it a nice piece of 2x2 you can't be charged with intent. You are just protecting yourself. Me personally I'd shot the bastards there all surplus to requirements
According to your signature Dave you've seen Still Crazy...
I saw summat on the net the other day that a half dozen or so american cities had murder rates at 500 plus per city.
UK isnt anything like that. If it was there wouldnt be so much bitching about 3,500 deaths on the road each year and 5,000 through dirty
we havnt had any snipers at B and Q or the local esso, or shell recently. And try as I might, I cant seem to be able to buy a hunting rifle or ammo at
a tesco, like you can for just 200 dollars at Target. Not noticed any kids going on a rampage with guns in schools yet either.
I know a guy that regularly visits the usa.
on one occasion he was in a restaurant, when the jilted BF of a waitress came in. He blew away the waitress, the owner, his wife and himself. Before
that he blasted the shotgun at customers. The guy I knew was hit in the face with pellets and they were still in there when I saw him on his return.
they 'grow out' apparently. Another guy I know has had gunshots in his car bodywork.
I have been to the usa 15 times, and seen nothign like this. but it does happen. I have seen LA 4 times- I like the place but 85% of it is a shyte
as are a fir deal of places here too.......but I doubt there is as much gun crime in kettering.....
Originally posted by Alan B
Originally posted by GO
Only problem with that is thats (almost) exactly what the american constitution states....
Why is that a problem?
I certainly don't hear of remotely close to the number of break-ins I used to hear about in the UK.....there seems a lot more respect for other peoples property over here....vandalism for example is pretty uncommon.....and (in my area at least) gun crimes are no more frequent than the UK.....maybe I'm in a good area, who knows, but overall I feel much less threatened......
The £5 proposal is totally unjustified - there is no correlation between the generally victimless offence of speeding and victims of other crimes. It
is just that the govt see the motorist as an endless supply of money which they can use for whatever they want. A minister was questioned about why
not make it £100 and sort out the nhs at the same time - trouble is that will probably have given them an idea.
The nanny state is getting too much - will the last sane person to leave the country please switch off the lights.
Steve, to be fair burglary and homeowner response was the main topic rather than gun crime.....and I did stress "in my area"...not that I
disagree or dispute any of your input.......
I was really questioning why was homeowners having more rights to defend their property so bad?
You can batter them in the house but don't go outside after them to finish the job off, that's murder. Then again they wouldn't be able
to sue you. Carry on.
yours, Pete.
Hi Alan
I do agree that you have the right to defend BUT there has to be reasonable limits. Invite someone you want to bump off into your home, and kill em,
and pretend 'thought it was burgular'. Hit the misses in the dark with a baseball bat 'thought it was burgular'.
There will be problems with 'no limits' defence.
There was a story over here a few years back when a brit got blown away knocking on doors for help in the usa. the householder was feeling threatend
so shot first, thought after.
The Tony Martin case over here, from which this debate comes, isnt as clear cut as its made out.
Martin had chased the two burgulars out of the house with a gun. job done. As they were running away, martin shot at both. he killed one with a shot
in the back, and hit survivor in the leg. If people are running away from your house, I dont think the 'reasonable man' would expect justice
to include a shot in the back and dead at sixteen cos you burgled someones house.
fair enougth, it was the zilliont time it had happened to Martin, but its still, in my book, isnt reasonable to shoot unarmed people, running away, in
the back.
Only US police officers seem to do that - on TV.
Originally posted by Alan B
Steve, to be fair burglary and homeowner response was the main topic rather than gun crime.....and I did stress "in my area"...not that I disagree or dispute any of your input.......
I was really questioning why was homeowners having more rights to defend their property so bad?
Agreed Steve...it has to be somewhere between no limits and no defence...
No disrespect to our usa builders but the uk is becoming more like the usa you can sue anybody for anything. There was a case in Perth scotland 2 yrs ago were a woman sued a Mongol lad for £1500 because of the stress she suffered when she looked at him. The sad thing is she won! this is the sort of thing that should/could only happen in america.
Dave, it is made worse over here by the fact that there are so many fake stories going around....although it IS bad...
The trouble here is that even you win you usually still have to pay your own costs, which is stupid...IMO if you bring up a frivolous lawsuit and lose
you should pay it all...
Metal Hippy would be in bankrupcy
Originally posted by dave1888
No disrespect to our usa builders but the uk is becoming more like the usa you can sue anybody for anything. There was a case in Perth scotland 2 yrs ago were a woman sued a Mongol lad for £1500 because of the stress she suffered when she looked at him. The sad thing is she won! this is the sort of thing that should/could only happen in america.
I'd make loads of money in a freak show
Oh yes and bollox
Originally posted by dave1888
No disrespect to our usa builders but the uk is becoming more like the usa you can sue anybody for anything. There was a case in Perth scotland 2 yrs ago were a woman sued a Mongol lad for £1500 because of the stress she suffered when she looked at him. The sad thing is she won! this is the sort of thing that should/could only happen in america.
Originally posted by Alan B
To add, I strongly believe that once you begin to undertake a criminal act then you forfeit the rights that the rest of us have.....e.g. being able to sue your victim is just ridiculous
and whilst im gusting i'll add that i agree with steve, that you cant trust everyone to know what is an appropriate response to anothers
you should be able to detain a burglar without fear of a kidnap charge, but then again murder is still murder if it wasnt necessary.
as an aside point........and this thread is a good example........many people add an extra post - ala joel - when they could have edited the last
my sad and sorry total hasnt been reached by lots of little snippet posts - i tend to add to my last - if its still at the last entry point - rather
by the way
oh yea and
and i forgot to say
that goes well beyond gusting, cos I dont do that myself
on most occasions anyway
I suppose it helps you being nuts and not caring....
You sly...
bugger Mr G..
I actually meant that as a serious comment, but kinda wrecked it with the chance for some crap humour
That makes a change
What Steve means is that he has found a way to post totally unrelated snippets of crap rather related snippets of crap that should be in one
Only joking mate.....you are a good contributor....
Coming back to the plot...
You always have to be careful when you read these stories in the press, 'cos invariably you only get a small part of the story.
Mr Martin was quoted as "a hero of the down-trodden victim", but he had a long history of trouble with the police for gun mis-use. I
believe that he was generally regarded as a 'nutter' by the local community. This was the last tragic event in a long chain of incidents.
Hey Steve!
i normally do edit posts, but when theres a bit of a change of tack, a new post can help separate one from another!!
feel free to call it P-ing, seeing as joeling doesnt have much of a ring to it...
you see, im doing it here!
david has a good point about media painting a picture that they like, excluding facts that dont fit the picture. Happens all the time, the papers that
seem not to do it are really just doing it unnoticed due to an outlook similar to 'ones own'.
thats what the queen said anyway...
[Edited on 14/1/04 by JoelP]
I found it most amusing recently when that Cheif Constable of somewhere stated that the public should make more citizens arrests and assist the police
I wonder if you can get a grant or allowance in order to accomodate the villan you have arrested whilst you wait for the police to turn up?
With the emphasis on human rights for the criminal, who in their right mind is going to help, knowing that they could be sued.
The sooner all this PC crap is done away with the better off we all will be!
Citizens arrest is great, you can't actually touch them. All you can do is ask them to stay where they are while the police come!! Fabulous, but
remember to be polite, you dont want to get done for verbal assault either!
[Edited on 14/1/2004 by GO]