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Good Sniff Petrol
Alan B - 13/1/04 at 04:07 PM

I loved the Williams bit..

theconrodkid - 13/1/04 at 04:37 PM

another one for my "favourites"

Mk-Ninja - 13/1/04 at 04:52 PM


Peteff - 13/1/04 at 08:59 PM

The Beemer sarcastronic should have a message suggesting its use as a donor if you don't like the look of it as a luxury saloon.

yours, Pete.

Metal Hippy - 13/1/04 at 09:42 PM

Simon - 13/1/04 at 11:11 PM

I like the Poolo ad.

But then that's my opinion of german cars anyway



ChrisW - 14/1/04 at 08:24 AM

Yeah... Poolo ad is classic
