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o.t any vets on here -updated-
24vseven - 28/10/08 at 08:01 PM

hi folks might seem silly but my wifes rel worried about our cat she's (the cat not the wife lol) has been throwing up all day and just wants to sleep and appers dehydrated
i am going to get some fluids into her with a pipet
but basicl should i get a vet apointment tonight or wait till tomorow
thanks in advance

[Edited on 28/10/08 by 24vseven]

zilspeed - 28/10/08 at 08:03 PM

Vet tonight if you're that worried.

All cats do a bit of puking - it goes with the territory - but not all day.

Benzine - 28/10/08 at 08:08 PM

How old is your cat? How often has it been vomitting? I would get it to the vet as soon as you can really just to be on the safe side

[Edited on 28/10/08 by Benzine]

thunderace - 28/10/08 at 08:10 PM

appers dehydrated???? like how??
if you pull on the skin and it dont pull back fast go to the vet asap.

westf - 28/10/08 at 08:15 PM

vets the answer, she may have been poisoned or had a mouse thats eaten mouse poison,best to play safe

philw - 28/10/08 at 08:23 PM

DO NOT TRY TO FORCE FLUIDS DOWN ITS THROAT!!!!! If there is anything causing a blockage in the intestine you will probably kill it, also if there is any toxic substance involved water can intensify the problem. TAKE THE CAT TO THE VET!!!

blakep82 - 28/10/08 at 09:01 PM

take her to the vet poor cat. hope shes ok, i'd suspect poisoning too...

i love my cat. want to go find her now and give her a hug seriously

ReMan - 28/10/08 at 09:35 PM

Not left any open antifreeze around have you?

24vseven - 28/10/08 at 09:41 PM

cats been to vets thats gonna cost me lol but who cares

shes got high temp had dloads of antibiotics ect anti sickness stuff he thinks its a stomach bug basicly
shes an indoor cat scared of the big wide world so she dosent go outside and all chemicals are wll out of her way

thanks for your concern guys

blakep82 - 28/10/08 at 09:44 PM

aww hope she's alright

she had to have loads of her insides taken out couldn't find her for a few days, eventually she kind of staggered in, covered in fleas and ticks, and had all kinds of puss coming out her back end had a really really nasty infection in her womb and had to have evrything taken out vet said had she been taken in 4 hours later she would have died

[Edited on 28/10/08 by blakep82]

StevieB - 28/10/08 at 11:13 PM

Glad to hear your mogs ok

Cats are funny things - quite hardy to most things but very sensitive to some things (particularly anything even remotely toxic)

My cat has a habit of fighting, and has a current foe (we don't even know if it;s even another cat) thats a biter. We have him back at the vets every 3-4 months at the moment getting the absesses that come as a result of the bites drained and anti-biotics.

Thankfully, they've invented a slow release anti-biotic jab now - my cat used to be a bit, well, ferral, and giving tablets often results in long (literally hours) of wrestling and usually blood (mine) being spilt.

As you can see from my avatar though, he's nowt but a middle aged furr pillow these days (wish he'd realise it and stop with the fighting though!).

MikeRJ - 29/10/08 at 08:44 AM

Had to have my cat put down a couple of months back, she was only 5 but was riddled with cancer (another thing cats tend to be prone to). You do get very attached to them.

We found her as a starving ~6 month old kitten early on new years morning as we left my dads house. It was bitterly cold and she had been using my dad MG Midget as shelter, as he'd cut out part of the floor pan ready to weld a new panel in and the whole car had a tarp over it. Knocked on doors and put a notice up in local shop but no-one claimed her, some scum bag had thrown her out I reckon.

Dick Axtell - 29/10/08 at 09:12 AM

Strange you should mention vets. Recently saw Mark Evans (remember him - Discovery Channel, building a Sumo Cobra, and various other machines).

Now - he's Chief vet at the RSPCA!!

mr henderson - 29/10/08 at 10:07 AM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Had to have my cat put down a couple of months back, she was only 5 but was riddled with cancer (another thing cats tend to be prone to). You do get very attached to them.

I'm very sorry to hear that. We had to have one of our cats put to sleep recently too, she was 17 and basically her time had come. Fortunately the other one, also 17, is still going strong.


24vseven - 29/10/08 at 10:48 AM

sorry to hear about your cat this is our third the first died about 3 years old but she was a semi wild when we "rescued" her and had lots of problems anyhow at least we gave her a good cpl of years

this is the current moggy

[Edited on 29/10/08 by 24vseven]

Richard Quinn - 29/10/08 at 11:04 AM

It's nice to know that we are all softies underneath! 7 years ago when I lost my sister in a car accident we offered to take the two persians. After years of owning big dogs I wasn't too impressed with the idea but it is amazing how quickly you get attached to them. They were both about 10 years old when we got them and we had to have the female put to sleep about 18 months ago due to kidney failure and the male was put to sleep 10 days ago due to the same reason. They were both house cats and never really did much but the departure of the last one has left quite a large hole. I'm really feeling it this week as my wife and daughter are away on holiday and he generally used to come for a mooch around the garage when I was in there.

[Edited on 29/10/08 by Richard Quinn]

MikeRJ - 29/10/08 at 12:24 PM

Originally posted by mr henderson
I'm very sorry to hear that. We had to have one of our cats put to sleep recently too, she was 17 and basically her time had come. Fortunately the other one, also 17, is still going strong.


It was a double whammy as we had to put our dog down at the same time, he was 13 but he had advanced arthritis in his hips and he'd been getting increasingly incontinent. Vet suggested that it was only going to get worse so though it for the best before his quality of life completely went. Many tears flowed that day.

On the positive side we now have a lovely Maine Coon kitten, he's 4 months old and already as big as the previous cat. He's going to be a monster!

mr henderson - 29/10/08 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ

On the positive side we now have a lovely Maine Coon kitten, he's 4 months old and already as big as the previous cat. He's going to be a monster!

Excellent. Where are the pics?

02GF74 - 29/10/08 at 03:18 PM

Exactly, WHERE ARE THE PICS? !!!

Here is mine having a post boxing day kip.

post boxing day kip
post boxing day kip

MikeRJ - 29/10/08 at 04:10 PM

02GF74 that's a beautiful looking beast! I didn't know there was so much love for the cat here to be honest!

The Mrs was originally wanted a Bengal , but we found a Maine Coon breeder very close by and they are supposed to be a more placid breed. Ours isn't 100% pure bred, it has a small amount of Rag doll in him apparently...he probably ate it

Cat attacking tin of baked beans. Hopefully the beans give a sense of scale. He was just 4 months old when I took this.

Footballing cat. This is my daughters ball, but he much prefers it to the normal small cat toys.

Kangaroo legs? I can't help thinking he has a touch of the Australian marsupial in those rear legs.

The weird thing is he loves water. He's enjoys standing in a sink with the tap on batting the steam of water and getting his paws soaked, and he often dips his toys into his water bowl before playing with them, which is apparently a Maine Coon "feature".

He a lovely cat generally, but it's easy to forget he's a kitten due to his size. That is until he does kitten-like things like running up your back whilst you are knelt down doing something. That hurts!

MikeRJ - 29/10/08 at 04:15 PM

I love this pic, got it on my desktop at work.

blakep82 - 29/10/08 at 05:03 PM

aww he's lovely
we used to have a maine coon (i think... wasd a long time ago, and i was only little) bad tempered thing she was lol she was really big and heavy too

Benzine - 29/10/08 at 05:14 PM

My cat Molly :

I want a norwegian forest cat, a maine coon, and a birman

[Edited on 29/10/08 by Benzine]

chrisg - 29/10/08 at 05:20 PM




blakep82 - 29/10/08 at 05:27 PM

Originally posted by chrisg



i think my friends cat looks like the man himself. she doesn't think so. he's got the tash and the hair!

02GF74 - 30/10/08 at 11:08 AM

Originally posted by MikeRJ

The weird thing is he loves water. He's enjoys standing in a sink with the tap on batting the steam of water and getting his paws soaked, and he often dips his toys into his water bowl before playing with them, which is apparently a Maine Coon "feature".

My cat #1, Bengal also, would only ever drink from a running tap, a common trait.

blakep82 - 30/10/08 at 12:17 PM

my cat twizzle liked playing in the sink she was good fun
she was completely deaf, and had something wrong with her brain. not sure what, but some kind of brain damage. so she was a lot of work too
in the end she was asleep outside next to the driveway, didn't hear an escaped dog coming