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see where 9 off 400 ?
Jon Ison - 19/7/02 at 08:21 PM

site goes from stengh to stengh, must be the adds on my helmet n number plates.......

barrie sharp - 19/7/02 at 09:13 PM

could have something to do with your spelling

Jon Ison - 19/7/02 at 09:20 PM

like i said in an earlier post.....who gives a toss

johnston - 19/7/02 at 09:51 PM

if u trace history all the smart guys where untidy and bad speelers we're all too busy thinkin of how to do things better (well thats my excuse neway)

john_s - 19/7/02 at 09:59 PM

must be the adds on my helmet n number plates.......

Is the car sat still long enough for people to read 'em?


johnston - 19/7/02 at 10:08 PM

may be its like kitt in knight rider

remember when the turbo boost kicks in it all went slo mo

(thats how i explain the lack of speed in my golf to all the blondes neway )