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The things we hate most..............
Jon Ison - 12/8/02 at 07:00 PM

Caravans.........doh, nearly put one on uts side yesterday when i passed it...

any more ????

johnston - 12/8/02 at 08:20 PM

mercedes and bmw drivers

think cos the pay excessive amounts they must own the road 2

locodude - 12/8/02 at 09:15 PM

Tractors with trailers on the A57 in Linclolnshire. Oooops, last of the late brakers, didn't know you could do a stoppie in a Locost!!!!
Chris PTM

Macca - 12/8/02 at 09:18 PM

Jon, I know I'm going to sound like a boring old fart,but, I've driven an ridden most things from 38 tonna's to mini-moto's and by far the most difficult time I've spent on the road was pulling a c-van. Try it, thats if you think your good enough.

Macca - 12/8/02 at 09:20 PM

Sneezin when you've got yer visor down!!!!

locodude - 12/8/02 at 09:46 PM

Are you actually building a car or are you just here to wind us up. If it's the latter, pack it in cos' that's my job!!!
Chris PTM
chief poo stirrer!

Macca - 12/8/02 at 09:55 PM

Chris,no spare time to build a car, spend it all on this dam computer chatting to all you nice people.


PS not sure if I want to heat the answer to this,does the PTM stand for anything?

locodude - 12/8/02 at 10:02 PM

Hey Macca
Don't tell me you didn't know that I'm the man of a thousand nicknames! But PTM is Plastic Tank Man. As in I make plastic fuel tanks amongst other things, for Kit Cars etc....
Chris (The cog down kid, bob altzeimer, locodue, PTM, Long bollocks, etc......)

chrisg - 12/8/02 at 10:08 PM

go for it Jon, you could fill the caravan with Nitrous bottles!!!!



And Locodude, you forgot "arsechin"

locodude - 12/8/02 at 10:14 PM

Hey Chris
A picture paints a thousand words.
Chris PTM Arsechin!

stephen_gusterson - 12/8/02 at 10:15 PM

mercedes and bmw drivers

think cos the pay excessive amounts they must own the road 2

I'll have you know I used to be a caravan owner (in my late 20's early 30's - and have a BMW as a company car!

Caravans are no worse than trucks - its just that people get a bee in their bonnet over them, or they are towed by a non speedy 70 year old. I always went as fast as I could get away with.

As far as the BMW - I have a bmw 318SE with options and it cost 23k. If it was my own money I would be pig sick. 0-60 in 10.4 secs - as one person said to me once - you could get an elise for that! Dont think my company would agree tho.....

The beemers a nice drive but not so much nicer than a focus to justify the extra rip off cost.

And people do treat you differently with less tolerance on the road. I dont class myself as a beemer driver - all those i have worked with thats had them have been bas%^Ards.



john_s - 12/8/02 at 10:22 PM

Sneezin when you've got yer visor down!!!!



StuartA - 13/8/02 at 12:15 PM

Caravans.. definite thumbs down (although they are good to overtake... just don't find one on a twisty road where you can't see past it).

BMW... thumbs up... I own a 323 Coupe which is a definite buzz to drive. For those that think maybe I don't know what I'm talking about I also own a Speed Triple (0-60 in about 3.3 seconds). OK, some beemer drivers are tossers but if you don't like it, don't sit behind it!!!

stephen_gusterson - 13/8/02 at 02:40 PM

I recon the 170hp of the 323 would make all the difference over the poxy 118 hp of the 318i - but at 25k its still crap value for a focus / escort sized car...



Peteff - 13/8/02 at 02:42 PM

I hate old ducks who want to do 40 everywhere including 30 limits. Last year I was pulling the caravan back from Hornsea and I got behind a couple in an immaculate old Triumph 2.5 PI and they went faster uphill than on the flat . Traffic built up behind and they were blaming me, I just knew it , so I pulled into a layby and we gave them chance to get away. I set off ten minutes later and caught up with them in 5 miles so we tailgated them till they pulled in for petrol. I could almost see the brand name on his trilby.

yours Pete

Jon Ison - 13/8/02 at 04:54 PM

mmmmmmmm hornets out then..... well you aint changed my mind, wobbley caravans are pants, i must admit i have pulled one and it got wot it deserved, well n trully stuffed, it was strapped to the back of a Mk2 grany at the time at high edge raceway Buxton, can't beat banger racin with a trolly out back.....
As for am i good enough.....probably i care NOPE.....just get the bleeders off the road NOW.

Jon Ison - 13/8/02 at 04:56 PM

oh, another pet hate of mine.....

rear fog lights, they stay on for weeks after a bit o fog......

oh, cow pats too, there not good off ya front wheel,

oh and caravans...........

locodude - 13/8/02 at 05:22 PM

Put the flags out, this must be the first time I've ever agreed with everything you've said!
Chris PTM
see ya tommorrow!

interestedparty - 13/8/02 at 06:31 PM

I totally agree about those ridiculous rear fog lights. What idiot thought that one up? If they were accompanied by a flashing light on the dash it might help, but most modern dashboards are lit up like a lit up thing so the idiots who drive around with the bloody things on all the times are blissfully unaware of the fact..

But if there is one thing that really grips my s**t is those stupid unpleasant miserable and downright ******* personages who will not move to the middle of the road when they want to turn right, and everybody behind them has to wait until the aforementioned t**ts can spot what they think is a big enough gap in the oncoming traffic


bob - 13/8/02 at 06:41 PM

People who park in front of another car with them on,cant see the near side one and makes you think they are or want to pull out.

Jon Ison - 13/8/02 at 06:46 PM

thought hazard lights was some sort o double yellow line parking type lights... ???

yep right turners who leave a yard inbetween car n white line, there bad....

just off to get a flag.....god we have to share fire water 2morrow night.....

if i'm late i'm stuck behind a wobbley caravan.....

johnston - 13/8/02 at 09:59 PM

ha'e to gop wit the tractors parked a vee dubb transporter inta the bac tyre o' one
stupid bugger was turnin right on the wrong side o' a crest

Macca - 13/8/02 at 11:57 PM

In english that would mean?

Metal Hippy™ - 14/8/02 at 01:24 AM

I wondered that one myself...

johnston - 14/8/02 at 07:19 PM

i wrote of a vw transporter by parkin it on top of a tractors back wheel after comin over a hill and seein the sheep shaggin farmer waitin 2 turn

stephen_gusterson - 14/8/02 at 09:14 PM

hey Jon,

even with bike engined power, a caravan could ______reverse______ faster than a bec with no reverse box...



Jon Ison - 14/8/02 at 09:39 PM

true, but i still don't like caravans....

locodude - 14/8/02 at 09:56 PM

Or yorkshire roads covered in shit!
I see you got back safe then? I'll give you a ring re: Cadwell.
See ya
Chris PTM

Jon Ison - 14/8/02 at 10:03 PM

yeah, got 40 foot a shite out btm o shower....

black fong was cool though....

bob - 20/8/02 at 09:52 AM

Chaging rooms and Ground force,in fact any decorating DIY and gardening programe.
Well apart from the one with Rachel de thame in coz she is a sort

Or maybe wives should be banned from watching them as it gives them far too many ideas

Peteff - 4/9/02 at 11:01 AM

I'll have to agree with hazard lights as well. They are used round here as a special get out for parking on the pavement while you visit the cashpoint. Why not put the cashpoint in a car park and put the wheel tracking industry out of business .

yours, Pete

StuartA - 6/9/02 at 11:57 AM

Drivers that pull out in front of large pink (yes really) motorbikes and then say 'sorry mate, I didn't see you'.

Macca - 6/9/02 at 04:39 PM

Pink! It's probably deserved!!

MrFluffy - 13/9/02 at 07:07 AM

Pink? I had a neon pink superdream once, a true sheep in sheeps clothing..
As for the tractors n trailers, hmm have to agree with that, espcially ones that dont use their signals... I overtook one on a bike and it made a sharp right turn as I did the maneouver and I came out of it with a big black rubber mark the whole length of the faring!

johnston - 13/9/02 at 07:42 AM

mate of mine decided to overtake a queue of traffic stuck behind a jcb got past everythin till the jcb turned square right crash, bang, wallop and another 406 sent to the scrappies