posted on 14/2/04 at 10:01 PM |
TDI tuning boxes how do they work - curious
I have been driving VAG group (VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda) turbo diesel cars for some time now. I keep seeing "TDI tuning boxes" for sale on
ebay. It looks like they plug in the loom between the fuel pump and the main loom. I am just curious as to exactly how they work and what is inside
the little black box. Speculation has it that it is just a resistor . I guess the next question is are they worth fitting and will they damage the
engine ?
claims of an extra 20bhp and 40 Nm of torque for £30 - £100 seems too good to ignore ?
I love speed :-P
posted on 14/2/04 at 10:07 PM |
try this sit, he goes in2 deatil, on y he thinks they lie, just have a look around
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posted on 14/2/04 at 10:13 PM |
Probably the same rip off resistor that people sell for petrol cars. Just keeps the engine in warm up map, thus running as if it was cold. Complete
rip off and it does increase your fuel bill by a lot, god knows what it does to your piston rings and valve stem seals
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posted on 14/2/04 at 10:17 PM |
plus you never get 20bhp ! not in a million years !
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posted on 14/2/04 at 10:53 PM |
thought that the claims looked a little excessive. Anyone ever opened one of these things up to look at the contents ?.
Also seen ads for companys that will reprogram your existing ECU for similar gains but for loads more £££ (AMD, UpSolute ?) this sound like crap as
[Edited on 14/2/04 by givemethebighammer]
posted on 14/2/04 at 11:14 PM |
From how i see it the tdi engines are prity much the same, golf, seat etc just different specs, bigger injectors and a remap ecu would be the best
option, but as with most tuning if you do that other parts may need changing. I would recommend looking at superchips.
[Edited on 14/2/04 by macspeedy]
posted on 15/2/04 at 09:20 AM |
I drive a 96 A4TDI 110. The bst way to get more out of the engine is to put a VW bora tdi150 motor in. Theyre not very quick on paper, but the paper
LIES!! MY brother had a Bora TDI150 and it went like stink. 140MPH no problems, and 0-60 in about 7 seconds. All at over 50mpg. He did get rid of it,
but not cos he didnt like it!
Both engines are based on the same bulletproof block.
The main difference between the early TDIs (like mine) and the later ones is common rail injection. You can chip the early engines for an extra 20bhp,
but all it does is alter the fuel calibration (map file) to dump more fuel into the engine. You get more power ,and a trainload more torque, but at
the expense of reduced engine life through more strenuous loading cycles on the engine parts, and the fact that if youve got the extra power, youre
going to use it, arent you?? Plus, a loss of ecomony.
Why do you want to put a diseasel into a locost??
I-iii-iii-iii-ts ME!
posted on 15/2/04 at 10:51 AM |
+ 20bhp
+ no insurance if you get found out.
In a bad accident you might not be able to take out the mode from hospital before your car gets looked at!
20hp takes about a second off the average 0-60 - is it worth it?
as a comparison - for the C class coupe - albiet a 1450 kilo car
143hp = 9.7 secs
163 hp = 9.1 secs
192 hp = 8.1 secs
this is the same car with different levels of supercharger boost.
posted on 15/2/04 at 10:12 PM |
Thanks guys,
No not thinking of putting one in a locost !! Just happen to drive a Seat TDI on a daily basis, not really interested in more hp but more torque,
especially in the lower gears could be grin inducing

posted on 16/2/04 at 08:20 AM |
In comparison to a 1996 A4 TDI 110, which is swift, the Bora TDI 150 goes very very fast. I have experience of both and defy anyone who says
Its fun!!
I-iii-iii-iii-ts ME!
posted on 16/2/04 at 02:30 PM |
I was quoted £600 by a specialist tuner to up the bhp on my T5 Volvo from 225 to >300, by uping the boost and remapping the ECU. Seemed good value
- but it's a front wheel drive car and spins up the wheels as is, and it would chew through fuel more than it ever does.