posted on 29/10/03 at 11:31 AM |
Speed Camera Vandalism
Clearly I'm posting this so we can all shake our heads in sadness at the disgusting waste of tax payers money...
posted on 29/10/03 at 11:41 AM |
thats what we like to see lol
posted on 29/10/03 at 11:57 AM |
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
Mark H
posted on 29/10/03 at 12:04 PM |
There was an article on Radio 4 yesterday about the Avon & Somerset speed camera partnership.
The police in that area has fallen out with the partnership becasue even they disagree with the blanket charging, and see the vandalism as a natural
occurance. One guy recently down there drove by a camera van three times and pelted it with eggs! Good on him, although they think they have his reg
number. Hope it was false for his sake!!
The guy in charge of the partnership (apart from being a complete twat) said that 150,000 tickets is their aim this year come what may!
150,000 x say £30 = £4.5 mill a year. In just one corner of Britain!
He also said "the cameras are in areas of known accident OR SPEEDING blackspots".
Does this prove the mutha fuckas are targetting non accident blackspots? Surely not. Put them in front of schools or where people have genuinely died
of course...
I am moving to the point of view that this rebellion is both natural in a police state and is in fact the right thing to do.
Mark Harrison and
Q986 KCP back from the dead...
posted on 29/10/03 at 12:06 PM |
its good they point out that some are useful, like the one on the level crossing. i personally would just spray paint them so people still slow down
but cant get nicked. There arent any in my area that need removing unfortunately as they are mostly in sensible places.
anyone know scotthall road where it passes chapeltown? its on a dual carrigeway, down a hill with a big hedge on the central reservation. without the
camera people would be doing up to 100 down that hill, and it would be nearly impossible to turn right cos you cant see thru the hedge.
but yeah, on country roads BURN EM!!!
posted on 29/10/03 at 12:15 PM |
quote: Originally posted by JoelP
but yeah, on country roads BURN EM!!!
or use proper 4x4 to pull them down
arrently i'm told be best place for the rope is where the arm attachs.
Not that I would know of course
posted on 29/10/03 at 02:03 PM |
I wonder if you can call up to get them destroyed like you can to get your wheel clamps removed.
I'm sure I've got one, just don't know where I've put it
David Jenkins
posted on 29/10/03 at 02:15 PM |
Method of choice in my area is to hook an old tyre over the camera, fill with petrol and ignite.
Very messy result...
Surrey Dave
posted on 29/10/03 at 03:20 PM |
Shock , Horror!!!!!!
This would be terrible if all this destruction where to escalate, it would be like 'power to the people', in time it just wouldn't
be worth putting the cameras up...................
posted on 29/10/03 at 03:54 PM |
didn't they say that the cameras that were being done time after time were going to be monitored by cctv so instead of one camera 2 would be
done in.
posted on 29/10/03 at 05:22 PM |
yeah, thats a sensible use of taxpayers money, or was that camera generated revenue?
beware, I've got yellow skin
posted on 29/10/03 at 06:13 PM |
Heard on Radio 4/Times Driving Supplement that a standard one is £40K and a digital £60K!!!
I wonder if they insure them!
posted on 29/10/03 at 06:27 PM |
big ruck going on round my about bus lane cameras stopping you turning into a school car park,nob from transport(traffic jams)for london didnt turn up
to a meeting demanded by the abused drivers,all hell broke out
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
posted on 29/10/03 at 10:45 PM |
When the majority of people in this country wake up to what's really going on in their name, they're going to need cameras to watch the
cameras, watching the cameras.....ad infinitum.
Speed cameras are being used as a stealth tax, remember what happened with the poll tax?
The only people alowed to have guns in this country are the farmers, come on the NFU, how about increasing the popularity of your members?
Some target- practice is just what they need to improve their aim in dealing with "varmints"
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
posted on 30/10/03 at 12:32 AM |
I wonder if they insure them!
They don't need to you've already paid for them out of your taxes many times over. If everyone stuck to the limit for a few months they
might think twice about installing them when the revenue dried up. As for the destruction of the cameras, the arson method carries a severe penalty if
you get caught as would shooting them, discharging a weapon in a public place. Even a farmer wouldn't get away with that one.
yours, Pete.
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 30/10/03 at 08:42 PM |
Sorry Uncle Pete
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
posted on 30/10/03 at 10:07 PM |
M4 between j12-15 has cameras that check yr no plate and calculate your average speed along that strech,sneeky huh!
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
posted on 30/10/03 at 10:11 PM |
[Some one did a really good job of one in Northants by blowing it up. I couldnt work out how but eventally found that they had inserted a long length
of detonating cord through a hole in the casing and then detonated it. The casing was completely blown apart and the camera was left dangling on a
wire. It is just down the road from one shown on that site that had been beheaded with a disk cutter.
As for the destruction of the cameras, the arson method carries a severe penalty if you get caught as would shooting them, discharging a weapon in a
public place. Even a farmer wouldn't get away with that one.
yours, Pete.
Metal Hippy
posted on 30/10/03 at 10:15 PM |
quote: Originally posted by theconrodkid
M4 between j12-15 has cameras that check yr no plate and calculate your average speed along that strech,sneeky huh!
There's a stretch like that on the M42 now aswell.
Cock off or cock on. You choose.
posted on 30/10/03 at 10:23 PM |
sounds like war
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies