posted on 10/11/03 at 08:40 PM |
Useless Facts
Found this site kept me amused for a few minutes, with useless facts
posted on 10/11/03 at 08:43 PM |
Im off to Guam
I'm sure I've got one, just don't know where I've put it
posted on 10/11/03 at 09:24 PM |
Seems like a good job, I did most of Sheffield in the 80's.
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
posted on 10/11/03 at 09:25 PM |
It would have been more amusing if I didn't know many of the "facts" to be untrue. Still read it right through though
Alan B
posted on 10/11/03 at 09:46 PM |
Agreed, some of the "facts" seem to be of questionable accuracy...
35% my ass....
go back and check....
posted on 10/11/03 at 10:16 PM |
I particularly like this one:
"Houston we have a big f#@king problem." ~the crew of Apollo 13~
"I don't know what I may seem to the world. But as to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself
now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than the ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." -
Isaac Newton
posted on 10/11/03 at 10:29 PM |
i was thinking michelangelos quote was quite a good one!! and the mayor of hiroshimas...
posted on 10/11/03 at 11:48 PM |
thats almost complete tosh
like 'coke' use it to wash their engines out.
what a great publicity move that would be!