Surrey Dave
posted on 9/12/03 at 02:34 PM |
First Toll Motorway Opens In UK
My cynical mind tells me this will be the thin end of a big fat money making wedge for the government!!!!!!!
It's great being a motorist :
'kin speed bumps
'kin speed cameras
'kin massive tax on fuel
Now we've got to pay to use roads that should be built and maintained with our 'ROAD FUND TAX MONEY' except the crafty wassers in
Whitehall have found a way of siphoning that cash away for other uses.........................................
What do you think am i over cynical?
Metal Hippy
posted on 9/12/03 at 02:38 PM |
I vote we all go to London and take it in turns kicking Blair and Brown in the nuts
Cock off or cock on. You choose.
posted on 9/12/03 at 02:41 PM |
before we set off for London are you certain that nut kicking isn't subject to any form of taxation?
I'd hate to have to pay for the pleasure!
Metal Hippy
posted on 9/12/03 at 02:45 PM |
Indirectly I suppose it is...
We'd need to get down there...
Cock off or cock on. You choose.
posted on 9/12/03 at 03:21 PM |
not the first toll road though
that was the dartford crossing
and they said the tolls would be used to recoop the costs. the costs were recovered at the begining of last year yet they still charge for the damm
btw i bet the politions have a dispensation against paying.
in the us they have a better system
eg the mass pike where the tolls are used to maintain /upgrade the roads system also not very expensive rather than the uk where every bit the
motorist pays is funneled into the government coffers for redeployment into things like polically correct christmas cards
its christmas if the people are going to be offended by it don't like it TOUGH, we have always celebrated christmas so why should we change
because a minority may be offended by it.
I love speed :-P
posted on 9/12/03 at 03:52 PM |
the only way u would catch me on there is if they made it diffent to all of the other motorways........ perhaps i dont by.... GETTING RID of the god
dam speed limit
Don't Steal
The Government doesn’t like the competition
posted on 9/12/03 at 04:15 PM |
Now if they could guarantee there were no speed cameras on it, it might be worth blowing out a few cobwebs!
posted on 9/12/03 at 04:17 PM |
soon the govenrment will announce how succesfull this scam is and put toll booths on all motorways,remember every penny we give them is put to good
use feeding/housing the rest of the planet and printing pc greetings cards,time to leave me thinks
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
Metal Hippy
posted on 9/12/03 at 04:19 PM |
They're only going to f*ck themselves in the arse though because pretty soon everyone will be complaining how all the alternative roads are
solid because people are avoiding the toll roads.... I know I'm going to keep off the M6 when I'm visiting family...
Cock off or cock on. You choose.
Hugh Paterson
posted on 9/12/03 at 04:31 PM |
Havn't heard so much as a squeek from the motoring orgainisations either, just whats the point in paying road tax if we get shafted like this
anyway. I know that not a lot of the rad tax fund actually gets spent on the roads infrastructure. A wee birdie told me at the time of introduction
after WW2 the idea of the road tax fund was to get the roads back into a reasonable state of repair har har, taking their time
posted on 9/12/03 at 07:44 PM |
if its counts as a private road, does that mean they can set any speed limit or ban coppers from using it?!
posted on 10/12/03 at 08:34 AM |
I think the arguement with this road, is that you dont have to use it. Take the longer route, that'll probably cost you more in petrol than
taking the toll and lesser distance/less sat in traffic not moving.
We have a choice, though when they start tolling the M25, i'll will personally burn the toll booths down myself
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Mark H
posted on 10/12/03 at 09:14 AM |
If i'm not mistaken the toll road runs right next to (in between) the old M6, so its really a 6 carriage way motorway, with the top three
costing 2 quid.
No real alternative route coz the whole of the midlands motorway infrastructure is shite, IMO. Ever tried to drive Leeds to Coventry? Well
To be fair (and believe, I'm no fan), what else were they gonna do? It should benefit everyone as all the co. car drivers and rich idiots will
use the pay as you go, leaving more space for the proles on the old road!
Mark Harrison and
Q986 KCP back from the dead...
posted on 10/12/03 at 10:18 AM |
While I agree with everyone else re taxes etc something had to be done with the M6 at Brum as soon as you hit junction 10 southbound all you had was
complete gridlock.
Years ago the run from Stoke used to take 40-45 minutes the last time I went down there took me 1 3/4 hours hence we dont bother doing any work in
that area any more, so business wise we've lost out.
Whether it should have been a toll road thats another question.
I used to be a Werewolf but I'm alright nowwoooooooooooooo
Hugh Paterson
posted on 10/12/03 at 10:19 AM |
Cunning plan
Got it sussed, need a change in direction, I think we should all be building HOVER CARS, no jams, no speedlimits, just a bloody pilots licence to pass
no doubt
posted on 10/12/03 at 10:49 AM |
you can get back-pack helecopters for 25-60k, depending on the model. 60k is the good one, 60mph and 3 hours flying, all in a big back mounted
posted on 10/12/03 at 11:01 AM |
Bikes go cheaper then cars right, so what about or 3 wheeled friends on here Trikes = bikes yes?
Even if it is made from car components ie my mates kindred spirit, primarily Renault 5 but 2 wheels at the fron and 1 at the back, was still
registered as a trike, so cheaper rates then?
I would like to see the queue build up behind the guy arguing the toss with the toll booth worker as to whether his car was actually a car or a bike!
posted on 10/12/03 at 01:54 PM |
I'd put money on them rating a 3 wheeler as a car!
Cynical me!
posted on 10/12/03 at 01:58 PM |
it might be worth a go just to see how many cars you can get in the queue behind you, lol
posted on 10/12/03 at 08:11 PM |
Hows about a Bike Engined Car? Or was that a Car Bodied Bike......
posted on 11/12/03 at 12:01 PM |
Joelp, it doesnt count as a private road, its public. The police have the same powers regarding speeding etc on there as anywhere else.