posted on 3/12/03 at 10:21 AM |
M/Way Drivers Beware
I'm sure there are some who will chuckle at my misfortune but a word to all of you who traverse the motorways of this green and pleasant land
But particularly beware if you go north of Manchester and you drive anything that is, or looks, expensive.
My 'day' car is an (old) Merc E280 and whilst on my way to Scotland in August on a clear road in good conditions I was
'clocked' and photo'd by a sneaky B*st*rd of a plod on an M/Way bridge at Carlisle doing 96mph...(should have bloody well seen him
then I hear you say).....
I did or the number would have been somewhat higher...
Anyway, even if it was sneaky.... "fair cop" I thought but...... guess what the learned magistrates at Penrith have decided is fitting
punishment for this heinous crime.....
£500 fine!!!!! £35 costs !!!!!!.......PLUS five yes bloody FIVE penalty points !!!!
I think I'll convert to Burglary or mugging, the penalties are not so harsh !
There.......I feel better now
Mark H
posted on 3/12/03 at 10:26 AM |
Sorry to hear that mate. Sounds a bit friggin harsh.
Just another nail in the govts coffin, for when total rebellion starts.
Mark Harrison and
Q986 KCP back from the dead...
posted on 3/12/03 at 10:39 AM |
Ouch... harse !!! Bastards !!!!! guess they didn't like you.
Annoys me when they come up with imaginary on the spot amounts..
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posted on 3/12/03 at 11:04 AM |
on the bright side, 5 points is much better than 6 cos another 6 isnt a ban. It is a shitter though. I got 6 points for 105 over 2 miles.
ps on the m62 between manc and liverpool there are always cops on bridges with speeders a few yards later to pull ya. i dont even bother speeding
beyond manchester, they've been there every time i go to liverpool...
[Edited on 3/12/03 by JoelP]
posted on 3/12/03 at 11:14 AM |
You were lucky Joel - over 100 is supposed to be an automatic ban....
I got done 11 years ago for 110 on the A303, when it went to court 6 months later my wife was due to drop at any moment so they let me keep my licence
- however I got a £220 fine plus £30 costs and 6 points - and that was 11 years ago when I was earning MUCH less, maybe you weren't so hard done
by ?
"In Support of Help the Heroes" - Always
posted on 3/12/03 at 11:37 AM |
yeah, was a fair cop for me i guess, IIRC a light snow was falling, and i was flashing people out of the way. Bad driving i guess. Had to do a retest
anyway as i had had my license for less than two years back then, and 6 points within two years is a retest.
life goes on i guess. clear road for jonti, they should've been more leniant.
a mate got a 28 day ban for 117, which is preferable in my books.
posted on 3/12/03 at 11:56 AM |
quote: Originally posted by protofj
You were lucky Joel - over 100 is supposed to be an automatic ban....
they changed it to 92mph 3 yrs ago
i got done 2 weeks after for 102 on the a14, letter from boss got me £350 fine and 14 day disqual. 10 days of which i was out of the country on
no points but licence says SPD which the insurance companies love
posted on 3/12/03 at 12:00 PM |
In 1985/6, I was going to see a friend at Manchester Uni. Being skint, and in a hire car (1.6 Cavalier), I was being very careful - sticking to about
55 to conserve fuel.
I got so bored, I missed the M6 (HOW???).
Decided I'd get a move on (to Sheffield then turn left), so floored it.
Was doing an indicated 117, when I saw the flashing lights. Mr P/man was driving a MkII Granda 2.8i, and the first thing he said was - "We had
trouble catching you". My first thought was - "Not buying one of them then".
Anyway, after a little debate - which was conducted in quite a friendly manner, he said "I'll put you down at 100"
Thanks, I said.
£60 fine
£9 costs
3 points
posted on 3/12/03 at 12:18 PM |
quote: Originally posted by protofj
You were lucky Joel - over 100 is supposed to be an automatic ban........
Yes that's true and notwithstanding the insurance hike, I've always thought a short ban is better than nursing lots of points with the
potential for a six month ban if you crack 12
quote: Originally posted by protofj
I got done 11 years ago for 110 on the A303, when it went to court 6 months later my wife was due to drop at any moment so they let me keep my licence
- however I got a £220 fine plus £30 costs and 6 points - and that was 11 years ago when I was earning MUCH less, maybe you weren't so hard done
by ?
Mmmm....yes , must admit I was expecting about £200-£300 as I got £100 for a similar offence on the Northampton bit of the M1 about 15 years ago.
(never did like Northampton).but, like you, then I was earning about a quarter of what I earn now so its all relative I suppose. Perhaps it
wasn't the Merc's fault after all
Might delete my Douglas Bader quote, it doesn't always apply !!!!
[Edited on 3/12/03 by jonti]
posted on 3/12/03 at 12:29 PM |
Just the amount of fine you dont need coming up to crimbo.
Seems like theres no consistancy with fines on the motorway I spose a lot of it depends on where you get nabbed.
Some time ago I got done doing 55 MPH in a van on the Chelmsford bypass to all intents and purposes a motorway. The company car I usually drove was in
dock and the only thing they could hire me was this van I had no idea there was a 50 MPH limit on vans (which as far as Im aware is still in force)
and lost my licence for 6 months under totting up which consequently put me out of work and onto the jam roll.So it could have been worse mate,thats
how youve got to look at it I spose.
I used to be a Werewolf but I'm alright nowwoooooooooooooo
posted on 3/12/03 at 12:39 PM |
I was done 18 years ago for 102 in a 70. made up a story of getting back to see my 18 day old son from an exteneded, unexpected, trip to france. got
60 quid fine. lucky that.
On the other hand, I did get off a 71 in a 60 zone 3 years back. they couldnt touch me. got no points and no fine for speeding.
The secret? refuse to sign the NIP form. Downside is I got 180 quid fine and 3 points. bad plan. What really shagged my defence was getting done for
48 in a 30 2 months after, which blew my 'good citizen, clean license, wasnt me - its a co car with someone else driving', into the
If you are in ANY doubt that you are gonna get screwed GO TO THE COURT and explain yourself. However far away it is. That way they get to see you are
an ordinary guy, you get to grovel, and they get to see that you are sorry and not a speed mad ba%^tard flouting the law (regardless of the facts!).
Find out how much a solicitor is. Not as much as loosing a license. I had one on the 102 speeding thing, and it helps. They can see you are serious
and understand what you have done. The letter from the employer thing also helps.
The difference between a rubber stamped guilty by letter plea and a well turned out be-suited, grovelling apology to a bunch of magistrates could save
you pounds, points and license.....
who will be points free in Jan if he can make it that far
David Jenkins
posted on 3/12/03 at 12:41 PM |
Unfortunately for each mph over the limit you pay around 10 times as much on motorways than you would on ordinary roads.
This always seems daft to me, as going too fast on an A-road must be far more dangerous than on a motorway.
(must stop looking for logic in motoring regulations)
posted on 3/12/03 at 12:42 PM |
That's pretty harsh. I got done for doing 65 down a 40 outside norwich in the middle of the night (it's a very wide, un built up A road)
by a police car. I was actually doing around 45 but then this car loomed up behind me, I thought it was a taxi tailgaiting and put my foot down. Then
I realised norwich taxi's don't have the blobs on the roof. Then I saw the lights. Bastards. He said he actually clocked me doing 72 but
wrote it down as 65, thus saving me a court appearance and more points, so I got away with 3 and the minimum fine. Hohum.
I had no idea you could get an automatic ban for doing > 92mph, and I thought it was just an automatic court appearance...
posted on 3/12/03 at 12:45 PM |
i got done for 125 on the A40 in a sunbeam tiger,went to court to contest it and won (on a technicality)sent them a solicitors letter intending to
sue for loss of earnings,they THREATENED me,so my boss told me to back down n swallow it
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
posted on 3/12/03 at 01:50 PM |
Fortunately after my big fine and 6 points my insurance conmpany said that speeding on a motorway was a technical offence and didn't load my
premium at all
You think we are hard done by? I was caught by a camera on a motorway in holland, I was only doing 5Kmh over the limit and yet my fine was the
equivalet of £280 with the threat of crushing my car for non payment! - If the police stop you out there they can impound your car on the spot
and leave you at the side of the motorway if you don't have the funds to hand ! - (happened to loads of squaddies travelling to germany)
"In Support of Help the Heroes" - Always
posted on 3/12/03 at 04:12 PM |
A friend of mine got done last year, 42 in a 30 then this year 96 in a 50 resulting in a 3 week ban and a couple of hundred fine and costs. No points
for the second one though. Never heard of a speed limit on vans only on towing vehicles which still applies to anything pulling a trailer. Not sure
if they are allowed to use the third lane on the motorway as artics aren't supposed to.
yours, Pete.
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 3/12/03 at 04:39 PM |
The difference between a rubber stamped guilty by letter plea and a well turned out be-suited, grovelling apology to a bunch of magistrates could save
you pounds, points and license.....
I absolutely agree with you Steve ( there now, that surprised you didn't it ?)....and, if I'd have had ANY inkling that they'd be
such B*st*rds, Ida been up there in me best whistle and licked the bloody floor for 'em................I spoke to a local magistrate friend of
mine today and she says in North Staffs this would have attracted about £300 plus 3 points, so it looks like the Penrith Chapter of Her
Majesty's Finest are a bit on the intolerent side..........
posted on 3/12/03 at 05:19 PM |
There's not a rule that 92 or more is a ban - I got caught doing 96 down a dual carriageway (note, not motorway so SP50 offence for
"other/unclassified", and got £60 and 3 points despite being young and having a couple of mates in the car. I really thank my lucky stars
for that one, I know it could have been far harsher. I suspect it was because it was a lovely sunny day, and the BiB was in a good mood.
posted on 3/12/03 at 07:24 PM |
it had to happen sometime
sorry that you got such a big fine - in northants is a daily risk as we have every known means of catching speeders from 7 camera vans to a 2 mile
stretch of a43 with SPECS cameras looking at average speed!
problem with a short sharp ban, is that if you ever get another one, its a year. normally, first ban at tottoing up is 6 months, second is 12 months.
So, im assuming a shortie is the first bite of the cherry.
BTW Jonti - you could appeal - depends on how lucky you feel......perhaps a talk to a solicitor in the area to find out the lie of the land might
quote: Originally posted by jonti
The difference between a rubber stamped guilty by letter plea and a well turned out be-suited, grovelling apology to a bunch of magistrates could save
you pounds, points and license.....
I absolutely agree with you Steve ( there now, that surprised you didn't it ?)....and, if I'd have had ANY inkling that they'd be
such B*st*rds, Ida been up there in me best whistle and licked the bloody floor for 'em................I spoke to a local magistrate friend of
mine today and she says in North Staffs this would have attracted about £300 plus 3 points, so it looks like the Penrith Chapter of Her
Majesty's Finest are a bit on the intolerent side..........
posted on 3/12/03 at 07:38 PM |
quote: Originally posted by kingr
There's not a rule that 92 or more is a ban -
I was always under the impression that there used to be ( or may still be) a 'rule' that more the 30mph over the posted limit was an
automatic ban. This would fit with over a ton on M/Way and Petef's mate getting banned for over 90 in a 50 when I just got me big fine and five
points for 96 on an M/Way
In truth though. I don't think that is the rule ..... in fact I dont think there are any rules only guidelines. It all depends upon the beak on
the day.
Final point and word to the wise from me....
I'm over 50 not a boy racer (well not all the time !! ) I've been clean for a long time and I thought I presented my written plea in an
articulate, apologetic and polite fashion. I did not expect to be treated so harshly for what I considered a minor (first for a very long time)
However, lesson learned: Heed the wise words of el Gusto.....Pitch up and grovel, it might make a difference.
[Edited on 3/12/03 by jonti]
posted on 3/12/03 at 07:50 PM |
I once passed a police car at an indicated 130mph on the M62.
He was cruising at 69.9mph between two lorries and I was racing a b@st@rd in a BMW.
Saw him much too late, his fairy lights went on and I kept going, he couldn't get out for the BM so I'd got a half a mile on him, he
pulled the BMW and I went off at the next exit and drove v.....e.......r.......y slowly back to Sheffield. He couldn't have got my number or I
would have been nicked.
If only you could out pace a revenue camera.
This was when I was young and foolish BTW
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
posted on 3/12/03 at 09:14 PM |
in that situation id always thought of saying
'n - it wasnt me - did you see that maniac flying down the road just now in a car just like mine'.
If you left their sight, how could they not know if you hadnt been poodling along all day in the slow lane and they just made a mistaken identity.
but, as its you Chris, they would just thow the book at ya - you musta been doing something wrong sometimes.
judge gusto
posted on 3/12/03 at 09:33 PM |
Note to all: I really don't know when to leave well alone. I tried to get clever with the mods, then when they gave me a lifeline to see the
error of my ways, I tried to incite more trouble via u2u. So now I'm banned, never to return again. They should have done it years ago!
posted on 3/12/03 at 11:06 PM |
Totally inappropriate,but.................I have some clockwork masturbating policemen for sale........£3.99 +P&P. Legal to hold to your ear
whilst driving.
Only a dead fish swims with the tide.
posted on 4/12/03 at 09:52 AM |
Go on, post a pic, you know you want to.