posted on 30/4/20 at 04:57 PM |
Repairing fibreglass handle log splitting maul
Greetings all,
Hope you're all handling the lock down ok!
Quite a few years ago I bought the Roughneck log splitting set from Screwfix.
They're not too bad once sharpened!
However, it hasn't long before the 6lb maul head came off the fibreglass handle. This MAY have been because I used the back (sledge hammer) end
a few times to smack the wood grenade into logs. Either way, the araldite holding the head to the handle has cracked.
Because I hate throwing stuff away I've found some threads elsewhere about repairing these with various 'slow cure' araldites.
However, it struck me the other day (ouch! ) I might be able to fit a wooden handle to the same head as easily.
Any thoughts on the best course? I have already bought the recommended araldite but I'm a bit worried about how I set the head
'straight' on the handle. Having said that fixing it 'straight' on a wooden handle might be harder still!
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
- Muhammad Ali
posted on 1/5/20 at 12:47 AM |
Personally I would swap out the handle for a nice wooden one. Having the head held on with epoxy is a whoopsie waiting to happen.
posted on 1/5/20 at 07:18 AM |
Can you not open the head of the axe so when you fit a proper wooden handle you can drive wedges into the end.
David Jenkins
posted on 1/5/20 at 07:41 AM |
quote: Originally posted by roadrunner
Can you not open the head of the axe so when you fit a proper wooden handle you can drive wedges into the end.
That is the traditional way to do this - you can buy wedges, although most people on this forum can probably make their own! A nice piece of ash
would do a very good job as a handle.
[Edited on 1/5/20 by David Jenkins]
posted on 1/5/20 at 08:06 AM |
The handle is made from a thermoplastic so the epoxy Araldite will always crack up in the end.. though it might sound odd but lightly burning or
darkening the surface of the plastic with a flamecan create a better bond with the epoxy. I would say wedges in the plastic are likely not to work so
replace with a wood handle if you can. I have had an axe head come off when it was stuck in a log overhead.. luckily the momentum meant it landed
behind me!
posted on 1/5/20 at 07:13 PM |
I've got the same maul and have used the reverse to hit the grenade without a problem. I have bashed off the soft rubber just before the head.
Considering the force going through the head, I'm not sure if be happy with a bodged solution. Get an ash blank.