steve m
posted on 4/5/21 at 08:35 PM |
Advice about LPA needed, and rant
So, My Father went into a Hospice last week, and probably wont be in there to long ............
I get a phone call from the hospice, and a very well respected place near me it is, they need a copy of my/our Lasting power of attorney for my
Father, no big deal, as i have all that, so i get my ORIGINAL LPA, and drive 5 mins down there and give them ORIGINAL with punched stamps etc (to
those who know what i mean) to the person who requested them,
She refused the ORIGINAL LPA, as she needs a certified copy, of them, and if she takes a copy of my ORIGINAL copy its not certified ????????????
She said, she cant take a photo copy, as it could of been altered, ??????
How the bleep can a photocopy of an ORIGINAL LPA be altered, unless theres someone in the photo copy machine, with the same coloured white and blank
ink, changing stuff as its copying
Anyway, this place has a valid DNR (Do not Resuscitate) so when poor old Dad does go, the LPA is irrellevent
and all this was from the resident DOCTOR
Im sorry, but the whole system has fallen apart, except for when i used the same LPA in Dads banks, Premium bonds, HMRC, they took the originals, and
took a copy, so why cant a care home ?????????
Thats was probably spelt wrong, or had some grammer, that the "grammer police have to have a moan at
posted on 4/5/21 at 10:19 PM |
DNR should be for a specific person not a blanket policy for all residents.
posted on 5/5/21 at 03:30 AM |
quote: Originally posted by steve m
So, My Father went into a Hospice last week, and probably wont be in there to long ............
I get a phone call from the hospice, and a very well respected place near me it is, they need a copy of my/our Lasting power of attorney for my
Father, no big deal, as i have all that, so i get my ORIGINAL LPA, and drive 5 mins down there and give them ORIGINAL with punched stamps etc (to
those who know what i mean) to the person who requested them,
She refused the ORIGINAL LPA, as she needs a certified copy, of them, and if she takes a copy of my ORIGINAL copy its not certified ????????????
She said, she cant take a photo copy, as it could of been altered, ??????
How the bleep can a photocopy of an ORIGINAL LPA be altered, unless theres someone in the photo copy machine, with the same coloured white and blank
ink, changing stuff as its copying
Anyway, this place has a valid DNR (Do not Resuscitate) so when poor old Dad does go, the LPA is irrellevent
and all this was from the resident DOCTOR
Im sorry, but the whole system has fallen apart, except for when i used the same LPA in Dads banks, Premium bonds, HMRC, they took the originals, and
took a copy, so why cant a care home ?????????
That is nuts. They should be able to copy the original, and certify it themselves. Can't get any better unless they don't trust the staff.
When I was doing stuff for my parents (they had LPA for health and the financial one too, totally separate LPA's for those who think there is
just one) some places accepted a scanned/emailed copy, some wanted to see/copy the original.
Not sure how you can get this sorted, other than ask that they make and certify a copy, there may be somebody there who is allowed to do them After
all, this will be something that happens with many/most of the admissions.
On the subject of DNRs, my parents ones were kept on plain view in their dining room, where they spent most of their waking hours. A friend said his
mother had stapled it to her lounge door in the hallway, so any medics who gained access would see it. Funny how what an seem distasteful to us
becomes sensible when you are faced with hard choices.
Steve, I wish you well with this. Some of the on the spot decisions I had to make last year still weigh on me. I am 100% certain I made the right ones
(and they were following advice from the Docs), but I have not mentioned them to my sister. Life is simpler that way.
posted on 5/5/21 at 10:04 AM |
It's bonkers!
I sympathise fully - SWMBO and I are having similar issues with father-in-laws documents, health and financial matters at the moment. It seems almost
impossible to get simple tasks/requests processed. One party want this stamp/signature, then then the next party want a different one.
The whole carry on has certainly caused some tension in our household
I hope you can get it resolved.
David Jenkins
posted on 5/5/21 at 02:02 PM |
Same here - my father-in-law died last week at 97 (funeral tomorrow). My sister-in-law is having a nightmarish time with bureaucratic banks,
utilities, service providers, and so on - and even with Age Concern's funeral plan staff, who have been ignoring calls and been rude when she
did manage to get in touch.
Note to everyone: Don't get a funeral plan with Age Concern!
To their credit, the staff at the care home he was in were completely professional and efficient when it came to LPA's & such like - sadly
though he was only there for about 3 weeks...
Fortunately my S-I-L has the strength of character and tenacity of a Jack Russell Terrier so I pity anyone who gets in her way. She will not be
fobbed off with evasive answers and stock excuses. She's a born organiser - she used to be a consultant anaesthetist who (amongst other duties)
ran A&E in Gloucester Royal Infirmary - not someone to tangle with! (scares the hell out of me sometimes as well)
steve m
posted on 7/5/21 at 07:25 AM |
Further update on my LPA issues
Ive made a couple of calls to the Solicitors, who we last used when i moved house 35 years ago!!
They can supply certified copies from our original, £15 a copy, however, he did advise that as i had presented the ORIGINAL documents to the care
home, the copy that they took is effectively a certified copy, what is unacceptable, is if i made a copy and presented that
He also has a lot of dealing with the care home we use, and will advise them that they are not following procedure
Thats was probably spelt wrong, or had some grammer, that the "grammer police have to have a moan at
posted on 7/5/21 at 02:07 PM |
quote: Originally posted by steve m
Further update on my LPA issues
Ive made a couple of calls to the Solicitors, who we last used when i moved house 35 years ago!!
They can supply certified copies from our original, £15 a copy, however, he did advise that as i had presented the ORIGINAL documents to the care
home, the copy that they took is effectively a certified copy, what is unacceptable, is if i made a copy and presented that
He also has a lot of dealing with the care home we use, and will advise them that they are not following procedure
Sense prevails at last. Care homes do tend to be a little over sensitive about these things, but you were completely correct as now confirmed by your
Decided i needed to get an LPA sorted for Dad last year. I went to the effort (and it is considerable, especially when you do it yourself as i did) of
getting my his LPA sorted, took the original his bank and they photocopied it with no questions. Seems it's standard practice.
After all that, the old boy past away at the beginning of January. He was 97 though and it was peacefully in his sleep in the care home which was a
lot better than him going through the painful end suffered by those who got the covid bug.
Glad you're getting it sorted Mate.
I thought I could see light at the end of the tunnel, but it was just someone with a torch bringing me more stuff to do