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Caution note
Browser - 24/2/11 at 04:42 AM

A work friend of mine races in the MR2 challenge (Mark 1 MR2's) and originally had a car built by Stonor Motorsport. His results in the first few races were a tad disappointing as he is quite a quick driver, but he didn't say much about the car apart from the fact that it felt slow on the straights, which he put down to needing a reconditioned engine for the next season.
I believe because one of Mr Stonor's employees left and told my friend, he had his car looked at by this now ex-Stomor employee and was chagrined to discover that the shell had significant rust, with one of the rear nearside suspension mounts actually dangerously loose, which he said explained it's occasional tendancy to veer left and instability under braking. It's since turned out that Stonor Motorsport didn't fit half the stuff they said they would, that he has done the same to several other people, the worst example being the roll cage he fitted to one car having been constructed from disguised seamed tubing instead of CDS as per the blue book.
My friend is now considering his position together with the others in the series. My advice to anyone on here or anyone they know who may come into contact with this company would be tread very carefully and avoid if at all possible.

r1_pete - 24/2/11 at 08:44 AM

I think its more common than we would like to believe, never had anything to do with said supplier, but running fairly new cars and using main stealers for the service, I always mark things like oil, fuel, air filters, and make sure the sump plug needs cleaning before a spanner can be applied. I have caught them out twice now on the fuel filter, which I specifically ask to be changed, they've invoiced for it, and my mark is still on the canister!! and that was from 2 seperate dealers!!

Not as extreme as above, but we should all be on our guard in these cost concious times.

mcerd1 - 24/2/11 at 09:12 AM

hope your mate gets sorted out or his money back at least

I think it highlights why finding a decent trustworthy garage/supplier is so important and reminds me how lucky I am up here

Rochester - 25/2/11 at 08:30 AM

I would like to wholly back up this warning .....

We run a Toyota MR2 Mk1 Racecar and were unfortunate enough to purchase it from this company - Stoner Racing. It is not really a company at all but a one man operation. If he tries to charge you VAT he is not registered.

Our car (like every other he sells) was several weeks late.

The car was a disaster in every sense - it was supossed to be Road Legal and as such had a brand new MOT. It was sold as "Race Prepared" and I was told the engine was rebuilt, new clutch, that it had poly bushes, lowered springs, race steering wheel, etc etc.

The car was missing items such as the steering wheel, poly bushes and other stuff. About a week later the clutch went and we took it to a local garage (now fantastic friends who caught the bug and race also). They had a hissy fit when they saw the car. The front chassis rail box section was non-existent on two sides having holes bigger than my feet. The nearside front roll cage foot was mounted within an inch of a rust hole in the floor about 6 inches square - the offside sill was a series of welded overlapped plates. The engine, though not the original engine, was simply lifted out of another car and had no signs whatsoever of any "rebuilding" work. The car was not stripped properly and was nearly 100kg overweight.

Having no money our friends sorted the rust issues out (lots of welding) and made the car at least safe. We took it off the road and reported the MOT issuing garage to VOSA. We asked Stoner to explain but got a stream of obnoxious and threatening emails.

We raced the car as is, struggling on with no power until a year later the head gasket blew. At this point we took it out for a season and I completely rebuilt the car ground up, and had a good friend who was a Ford WRC engineer rebuild the engine - the car is now beautiful and the engine sweet. We now run in 750 MR2 Championship.

On further investigation I discovered that at all stages I had been lied to by Stoner Racing. The company as an entity does not really exist - it appears he gets others to build his cars at very low cost. If you look at the County Court Judgement Register you will see that the guy has a list of UNPAID CCJ's going back several years, and is an undischarged bankrupt from the late nineties. I am happy to say this in public as this information is true and a matter of public record anyway.

Just to add insult to injury we have just discovered that he now uses seam welded tubing in his roll cage manufacture which is of course wholly against BB regs and probably would not stand the stress of a rollover. However he claims it is T45 steel (LOL) and puts on home made stickers claiming the cage is "Stoner Cage - FIA and MSA Approved". This matter has been reported to the MSA.

You have been warned!! Better make sure everybody knows so no-one falls foul of him. Hope this info is useful...?

[Edited on 25/2/11 by Rochester]

scootz - 25/2/11 at 10:01 AM

LOL... I won't tell you what a Stoner is in Central Scotland - but if you want to know...

Marginally NSFW Linky

steve m - 25/2/11 at 10:20 AM

He seems a right W****r


Browser - 25/2/11 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Rochester
I would like to wholly back up this warning .....

We run a Toyota MR2 Mk1 Racecar and were unfortunate enough to purchase it from this company - Stoner Racing. It is not really a company at all but a one man operation. If he tries to charge you VAT he is not registered.

Our car (like every other he sells) was several weeks late.

The car was a disaster in every sense - it was supossed to be Road Legal and as such had a brand new MOT. It was sold as "Race Prepared" and I was told the engine was rebuilt, new clutch, that it had poly bushes, lowered springs, race steering wheel, etc etc.

The car was missing items such as the steering wheel, poly bushes and other stuff. About a week later the clutch went and we took it to a local garage (now fantastic friends who caught the bug and race also). They had a hissy fit when they saw the car. The front chassis rail box section was non-existent on two sides having holes bigger than my feet. The nearside front roll cage foot was mounted within an inch of a rust hole in the floor about 6 inches square - the offside sill was a series of welded overlapped plates. The engine, though not the original engine, was simply lifted out of another car and had no signs whatsoever of any "rebuilding" work. The car was not stripped properly and was nearly 100kg overweight.

Having no money our friends sorted the rust issues out (lots of welding) and made the car at least safe. We took it off the road and reported the MOT issuing garage to VOSA. We asked Stoner to explain but got a stream of obnoxious and threatening emails.

We raced the car as is, struggling on with no power until a year later the head gasket blew. At this point we took it out for a season and I completely rebuilt the car ground up, and had a good friend who was a Ford WRC engineer rebuild the engine - the car is now beautiful and the engine sweet. We now run in 750 MR2 Championship.

On further investigation I discovered that at all stages I had been lied to by Stoner Racing. The company as an entity does not really exist - it appears he gets others to build his cars at very low cost. If you look at the County Court Judgement Register you will see that the guy has a list of UNPAID CCJ's going back several years, and is an undischarged bankrupt from the late nineties. I am happy to say this in public as this information is true and a matter of public record anyway.

Just to add insult to injury we have just discovered that he now uses seam welded tubing in his roll cage manufacture which is of course wholly against BB regs and probably would not stand the stress of a rollover. However he claims it is T45 steel (LOL) and puts on home made stickers claiming the cage is "Stoner Cage - FIA and MSA Approved". This matter has been reported to the MSA.

You have been warned!! Better make sure everybody knows so no-one falls foul of him. Hope this info is useful...?

[Edited on 25/2/11 by Rochester]

Thanks Rochester, sorry to see someone else fall foul of this shyster.

swampy - 25/2/11 at 08:11 PM

I nearly had a car built by them a few years ago....something made me start building my own (albeit mk2 turbo)for the MR2 super gt series and unfortunately had my own issues and as such am now about to start out in Locost this year with around 200bhp less than i had 18months ago but smiling all the way.
Some one should put this on IMOC MR2 forum