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north east run out
:{THC}:YosamiteSam - 24/4/10 at 01:25 PM

am gonna organsie a run out this year - this is the route if anyones interested?

it will be a long full day and you will be guaranteed of fantastic roads..

lunch will be in galloway forest and will be minimising dual carriage ways to a very small bit..

times.. will hope to organise it for around late july - early august..


ali f27 - 24/4/10 at 03:13 PM

Great idea look at map better going up A6 penrith to carlisle lets get it on people could join from were they live and do some of it if not all

ali f27 - 24/4/10 at 03:19 PM

Also come down apr elvnfoot to moffat great piece of road i built it well i did have some help

coozer - 24/4/10 at 05:14 PM

Looks good to me

Tezza1 - 24/4/10 at 07:00 PM

Yes definately count me in, please dont arrange it between 22nd July and 8th Aug I will be driving around in a gas guzzler in USA

[Edited on 24/4/10 by Tezza1]

[Edited on 24/4/10 by Tezza1]

:{THC}:YosamiteSam - 24/4/10 at 08:47 PM

the time its run on is not final.. Would be open to the best time for all.. Defo after stoneleigh and after may.. Going to scottingland with the north east seveners and will have to let bank balance recover from fuel bills! Lol.. Plus i need permission from swmbo :-)

beaver34 - 24/4/10 at 10:14 PM

sounds good!