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Missing a xmas present!
GavBurns - 25/12/06 at 09:50 PM

I only wanted to have the words contributor under my username for xmas, And no body got it for me, It's off to bed early sulking now!

Alfa145 - 25/12/06 at 10:09 PM

Perhaps a smaller Avatar would help get you your present

[Edited on 25/12/06 by Alfa145]

Macbeast - 25/12/06 at 11:04 PM

It has been mentioned before

pathfinder - 25/12/06 at 11:10 PM

Yep still waiting!!!

£10 says it wont happen this year

Alfa145 - 25/12/06 at 11:38 PM

Originally posted by pathfinder
Yep still waiting!!!

£10 says it wont happen this year

What? The smaller Avatar or the contributor tag?

dmottaway - 26/12/06 at 03:22 AM

I contributed. no response. So I contributed again, with a note attached calling attention to previous. still no response.


trikerneil - 26/12/06 at 06:23 AM

Ah! not just me then.

I thought there was a bit of prejudice goin on LOL

NigeEss - 26/12/06 at 09:57 AM

Worked ok for me !

Has to be due to size of that avatar

viatron - 26/12/06 at 12:26 PM

also contributed over 2 months ago u2u's chris, he hasnt even read it

GavBurns - 26/12/06 at 09:47 PM

What's wrong with the size of the avatar?

This has been brought up a few times I know.
I don't like the thought of giving money to somebody without any bloody acknowledgement, It's just rude.
I may be moaning but it's got me a little angry

[Edited on 28/11/06 by GavBurns]

JoelP - 26/12/06 at 10:43 PM

the old avatar was massive, thats much better. You got a 25" monitor or something?!

I can imagine that the prompt page is indeed annoying! Chris should spend a few minutes removing it altogether if he doesnt have time to update everyone individually.

pathfinder - 26/12/06 at 11:54 PM

Contemplating putting a claim in with paypal, after all I have paid for something and received nothing! Seems like it was a money making ploy…

GavBurns - 28/12/06 at 05:25 PM

It's not the pop up that bothers me it's the lack of respect for the members.