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possible r1 inlet leaks
Dillinger1977 - 18/8/07 at 09:30 AM

Still fiddling with swapping jets and needle clips on my R1 and its getting a bit daft.
150 jets on and nearly at the richest needle clip, and its still gutless at 8000.
So im thinking that its still sucking too much air somehow.

Whats left to check really? The filter backplate has a couple of visible holes where someone was a bit eager filing around the bolt holes but I wouldnt have thought that would affect it much. I might try clear sealant round the outer edge to fix this.

Could there be leaks around the rubber collars that hold the carbs on? if so whats the best way of sealing here? (I dont want blobs of sealant getting into the engine!)

Are there any other places where air can be sucked in? (the pilot air holes in the top of the carbs have cocktail sticks in atm)

oh, and I currently have no 'trumpets' on the tops of the carbs. They didnt come back with the car when it was at MNR so if I need some I'll have to give them a shout.

any advice appreciated!

ReMan - 18/8/07 at 10:03 AM

I though the trumpets, velocity stacks, call them what you will were an essential part of the carbs to promote the required airflow?

adithorp - 18/8/07 at 10:52 AM

They are and you need them. Thier length is important too.


Dillinger1977 - 18/8/07 at 11:18 AM

Looking at the height of the pipercross filter, the original r1 rubbery ones wouldnt fit underneath. Is there a place to get shortened r1 ones or do they have to be custom made?

smart51 - 18/8/07 at 11:29 AM

The trumpets are not essential and I ran without them for a while. Without them you will get less airflow at high revs and so less power.

The length of the inlet track (including the trumpets) determines the engine speed where peak torque occurs. shorter trumpets = higher RPM. A simple 5mm radius on the end of the current trumpet boss is IIRC the correct radius for the 42mm ID and it will fit under a pipercross filter. Have someone turn you some out of nylon or aluminium.

If your engine doesn't pull with the richest jets and needle, perhaps you are too rich. Write down all the settings you've tried an the results in a table of jet size against needle clip. There will only be a couple of combinations that work. I almost dispaired because I'd tried almost all combinations before finding one that was OK.

As for leaks, down't worry about the back plate, its only leaks between the carbs and the block that will affect fueling. I'm told that spaying WD40 att eh rubber connectors will show leaks as the extra "fuel" sucked in will make the engine idle faster.