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Centre Mirror, plain or convex?
JohnN - 11/6/05 at 02:13 PM

As per the tiltle, about to buy centre mirror on a stalk off the scuttle (no windscreen) Racetech from Demon Tweeks - £22 ish

Convex or flat???????

Would convex make everything too small (sat quite a way back) or will the flat not have a big enough field of view

Any strong opinions / experiences??

cosworth - 11/6/05 at 02:52 PM

Just be aware that neither is SVA compliant

ned - 11/6/05 at 05:55 PM

can you enlighten us as to why please cosworth?


ps John, i'd normally go for convex to improve field of vision, just like blind spot bit on the edge of modern cars wing mirrors...

[Edited on 11/6/05 by ned]

JohnN - 11/6/05 at 07:01 PM

Thanks Ned, my thoughts too, the mirror is out of stock, so it'll be posted to me soon.

Cosworth - any basis in your assertion??The mirror is listed in the catalogue as for a kit car, don't know if it has an "E" mark, but if the front enge is too sharp, then some edging trim will sort that out. DT also sell two other Racetech centre stalk mirrors, at a similar price - so I'm imagining that this version is aimed at the kit market as opposed to the racing car market.


supercat - 12/6/05 at 01:55 PM

I have an SPA centre mirror on my car, and I had to put u-trim round the mirror edge, and cover the locking nut to get it through SVA. I chose convex btw, gives a good view but you also end up looking at yourself!


JoelP - 12/6/05 at 02:10 PM

the way i interpret the regs (i may be wrong) is that if the middle mirror has insufficient view, you must fit a n/s wing mirror. so since you will almost certainly have 2 wing mirrors, you dont need to worry about the view in the centre mirror. i would go for convex anyway, to give a better field of view.

Jon Ison - 12/6/05 at 06:41 PM


givemethebighammer - 13/6/05 at 09:48 PM

I have SPA LeMans / GT side mirrors a with convex glass and a SPA centre mount with flat glass. The field of view is OK. Reason for flat centre mirror was that I didn't want to be looking at myself or my passenger ! Convex side mirrors do make a difference though.