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GTS Panther advice
DAN57 - 19/11/06 at 09:38 PM

I must be the luckiest guy on earth. I started my Panther about a year ago and started of well with good intentions but so far have failed to do anything to it this year due to other projects. My new boss has heard of this slow project and has offered space in his private garage and workshop and to fund the project. He is the most motivated man I have ever met so this project is going to start and take shape very very quickly. Which brings me to where I need some advice.
My original plan was a tight budgeted pinto powered 7 but now many more options are available to me. I am really after opinions from people that have completed their projects.
1) Has anyone fitted a pinto engine and then regreted it after completion and wished they had gone with another engine?
2) with the increased bonnet line to house the pinto, Is it really noticeable when driving or even to look at? Pics of finished or nearly finished cars would be great.
3) Altough I have a 2.0 pinto fitted to the chassis the donor car is a 1.6 with drums on the rear. Will these be enough stopping power or would I be better looking elsewhere such as wilwood brakes?

4) and the old question of colour. I just can't make a decision.

You probably get the gist of what I am after pretty much anything that perhaps you would have changed or fitted if making another.

Whilst I am here my boss used to make and race his own drag cars and he would prefer to make the front wishbones. Are there plans or dimension to make wishones to the GTS that we could use as a guide with the flexibility to modify to take a roll bar?

Any advice or pics greatfully received.

flak monkey - 19/11/06 at 09:40 PM

Mate, I am building a pinto engined GTS, theres loads of pics on my website (link below). You will need a modified rocker cover for your pinto though. the std filler cap sticks up about 5mm too far. either that or some lower profile engine mount rubbers

Drums are more than enough on a locost.


[Edited on 19/11/06 by flak monkey]

cryoman1965 - 20/11/06 at 09:57 AM

Originally posted by flak monkey
You will need a modified rocker cover for your pinto though. the std filler cap sticks up about 5mm too far.
[Edited on 19/11/06 by flak monkey]

There is a local company that Milled a vented oil cap from Ali at a very reasonable price. Looks nicer than some mods that i have seen. IMHO

This one is fitted to an Indy although i believe the spacing/gap is the same.

Will get contact details if you are interested.

There are loads of yellow ones!

Cheers Nige

cryoman1965 - 20/11/06 at 10:30 AM

Ooops here it is.

Hellfire - 20/11/06 at 12:28 PM

Originally posted by DAN57
1) Has anyone fitted a pinto engine and then regreted it after completion and wished they had gone with another engine?

Without mentioning names (they know who they are ) I know quite a few people who have regretted fitting car engines after completion and have since changed or in the process of changing to a bike engine. Seriously though, if you are in two minds now, it's better to regret something you have done rather than something you didn't. Try and get a ride in a bike engined car and then make your decision as to which engine is best for your needs.

If budget is no longer a problem, go with Wilwood/Hi Spec lightweight calipers and solid discs all round. In fact, any lightweight parts you can get your hands on will all benefit your power/weight ratio.

Congratulations on your good fortune and good luck with the build.


Road_Virus - 20/11/06 at 09:35 PM

i wish i was that lucky as for the color for me definitly black


DAN57 - 22/11/06 at 08:09 PM

Thanks for the advice guys. I had thought of bec and although it would be great I don't really want to take the piss. Yellow looks great on these cars but I find myself swaying towards orange perhaps. I like the oil filler cap too, where can I get one? I have now found peace of mind using the Pinto and standard brakes. At least for now anyway. Great websites too there is a wealth of information which is a great help.
Thanks again.