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Dax Rush on Ebay
cd.thomson - 10/2/11 at 08:50 PM


Yellow Unregistered Dax Rush on eBay (end time 15-Feb-11 20:49:18 GMT)

cheers for looking!

cd.thomson - 10/2/11 at 09:17 PM

Just to add, my BIN sits between £5-7k for locosters, so feel free to pop me an offer

stevegough - 10/2/11 at 09:37 PM

looks smart, Craig - its a real pity you couldn't manage to finish it - can you not persuade your dad to take it through to on the road - you would have a much better chance of getting more of your money back?

Best of luck - hope you are more successful this time with the sale, Steve.

Tipster69 - 11/2/11 at 10:28 PM


I have to admit to being tempted on more than one occasion to make an offer for your car (and I also tried to put it into a mate, knowing I would be able to buy it off him when he got fed up - unfortunately for me, at the time I think your Dad had decided to keep up with the build).

Anyway, VERY BEST OF LUCK with the auction Craig. She's a bonny looking car.

cd.thomson - 12/2/11 at 12:14 PM

cheers guys!