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Some Inspiration and Motivation
Avoneer - 13/11/06 at 09:30 PM

Hi All,

Been a bit since I posted on here and been even longer since I played with my car.

Moved house as well and spent the last 4 months digging, concreting and working on the outside.

Car is buried at the back of the garage and I just can't find any motivation to crack on with it.

Final pour of concrete within the next two weeks and then at least I can get to my garage and might even start to tidy the thing as it is full of building matter and all sorts of mud and other stuff. Even my new workbench is buried in there somewhere along with my rolling chassis.

I also decided to go part time at Court and become a self employed computer bloke, but mostly working for my friend in Manchester 2 days a week which is shitty commuting in the morning from Leeds to Manchester.

So, has anyone got any going spare as I just can't be arse at the moment!


jacko - 13/11/06 at 09:38 PM

Come on Pat it,s to cold to work outside get the car done . Will that do

mookaloid - 13/11/06 at 09:41 PM

You could have some of mine but I'm a bit short myself just now

Danozeman - 13/11/06 at 10:00 PM


You could have some of mine but I'm a bit short myself just now

Im the same. Wanted to get it sva'd before chrimbo too.

Lets kick each other up the arse to get motivated!!!!!

TangoMan - 13/11/06 at 10:25 PM

Come on Pat, the weather is a bit naff at the moment but if you don't get working now you won't be ready for the summer.

I am spending the winter swapping engines as I won't be up for driving too much in the cold and wet.

For me the motivation is avoiding decorating, shopping, washing up, etc. In fact anything that I don't want to do means I need to do a bit to the car!!!

Avoneer - 13/11/06 at 10:25 PM

30 minutes and only 3 replies???

What's happened to this forum???


graememk - 13/11/06 at 10:31 PM

you might find some on ebay

Jon Ison - 13/11/06 at 10:33 PM

Cos we are all busy in the garage where you should be

Pull yer finger out........ NOW

Chippy - 13/11/06 at 11:07 PM

Be inspired by what you have achieved this far. Be motivated by the fact it's already cost you a bloody fortune. Ray.

trextr7monkey - 14/11/06 at 12:02 AM

Look on the bright side you could be concreting and digging 7 days a week, that'll teach you to complain when it stops

We (my son and myself) have no shortage of motivation but haven't quite got as much time as we would like!
We are coming from a bit further back on the Locost job- we have provisionaly bought a really good looking well built rolling chasiss and are desperate to get it back here in the garage and start working,
Unfortunaltely there's a kit car in there waiting to move south and 2 outside- one is half way through its pinto heart transplant, the other just arrived on Saturday and needs a lot of work - rewiring, brakes, dash etc its basically a roling shell. As the estate agent said to the Trading Standards man "it has greatpotential"
More bad news there's another one fighting its way up from Kent which only needs a little work
I'm not a gambling man but I reckon yours might be on the road before ours, unless you start laying concrete for your neighbours

TimC - 14/11/06 at 09:10 AM


Yours is one of the best home-built chassis I've seen. I think you're part way to something quite special.

Keep going!


bob - 14/11/06 at 10:23 AM


Get another locost builder to come round and give you a hand for a couple of hours, i lost interest half way through my pinto out and zetec in plans but a visit from conrod(kid) and a muck around in the garage and i'm back at it.

cloudy - 14/11/06 at 11:11 AM

It's very hard after coming home and eating dinner in the warm, to get the power reel out - get changed, get a coat or three on and head out to the garage. I'm also hoping to be ready for next summer so it's got to be done!


Hellfire - 14/11/06 at 12:51 PM

Pat, have a look at some of the videos on our website. If that don't work, get yourself down and we'll take you out for a spin.


James - 14/11/06 at 02:25 PM

If you remember... your chassis was designed by Locostbuilders commitee.... so you bloody well owe it to us all to get out there and get it done!

I always find it's harder to get going when the garage is a mess and workbenches full of crap etc.
Spend an hour or day tidying up and it's much easier to get started!


NS Dev - 14/11/06 at 02:43 PM

I'm struggling for motivation too!!!

Struggling to find my way to the garage due to the vast array of partially dismantled cars blocking the way!!!

Trying to design the grasser (on various scraps of dirty paper) as well as strip the donors and finish the 7.......arggghh!!!

You just need to set a target list!!

I know it sounds anorakky (if there is such a word) but its the only way I am making any progress at all!

I've done a job list on excel, with a column for each job (broken down to fairly small segments) and a column for time required in hrs (estimated) then another column for actual time in hrs used.

I chucked all the remaining jobs on the 7 onto it, then each week highlight a list of the jobs that can realistically be done, aim to do em all in less than the target hours, and see how it looks at the end of the week.

seems to work for me and keeps the job moving!

DarrenW - 14/11/06 at 03:24 PM

Jobs lists / basic project plan worked for me as well. At least then you can do the list later in the warm with a drink, next day you dont have to rack your brains trying to think what to do first. You will find you dont have time to suffer from lack of motivation.

You can even be planning the next job in your head whilst completing them. Crossing them of is very satisfying.

Road_Virus - 20/11/06 at 10:08 PM

Motivation i have loads of it but since my work place is around 100miles from home and i'm only going home for weekends when i don't have to work at a saturday or sunday i hardly have the time to invest in my project and i'm dealing for some new parts to see if i can boost up a bit on the building

Regards and see if u put ur hands at work or i'll go there to kick ur ass until u finish building (just kidding since i live a COUPLE of miles away lol)

Gav - 20/11/06 at 10:17 PM

Pat you need to start again coz im further than you now


Avoneer - 21/11/06 at 12:08 PM


Got the last bit of drive concreted yesterday and I'm gonna get the garage sorted this weekend.

Gav - how far on are you!

It's a race now!

See you at a show next year.


Gav - 21/11/06 at 01:57 PM

Got all the brakes done, fuel line is in, the vast majority of the panneling and the clutch/accel cables done.
Ive got some holiday days to use up from work too, so im gonna get the engine fired up this weekend hopefully!

Kook - 21/11/06 at 09:21 PM

I just keep thinking that if i do not get stuck in I will go another summer without having the car on the road and then another winter will be upon us .... So just try to imagine yourself in the summer of 07 driving with the sun on u hope this helps ...