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JimM - 14/2/11 at 08:39 PM

My BTinternet account is coming up for renual in the next couple of weeks.

Just wondering has anyone been on BT and moved for a better package?

Sky etc ....

Gordy - 14/2/11 at 09:01 PM

was with bt, costing me £60 a month for limited broadband and free calls, moved to sky got full hd+ package, unlimited broadband and free calls for the same price as bt deal.

ReMan - 14/2/11 at 09:02 PM

Moved phone and internet to Plusnet, wish I'd done it years ago`
Edited, not enough interest and time for Sky,virgin etc multimedia packages and the prices really mounted up, but if its your thing.......

[Edited on 14/2/11 by ReMan]

asn163 - 14/2/11 at 09:15 PM

Yes, was with BT for many years for phone and broadband but it became increasingly slow and unreliable. Moved to Virgin (cable) and now get phone, broadband and TV for less money than I was paying BT.

Had a few issues with the changeover, but once installed it has been fine and much better than BT.

locogeoff - 14/2/11 at 09:55 PM

We were recently looking at shifting from BT, the usual suspects came into play, SKY, TalkTalk etc, however when BT offered Unlimited Broadband and anytime calls for £26 including line rental we decided just to stay with BT. This is the second time I've had good reductions from them just by phoning up and talking.

If the reason for leaving is cost and like us you've been with them since biblical times then they may offer a deal similar to the others. However if reliability is your issue I wish you all the best with the others, a secondary reason for staying where I was, as we've had good reliable service from them. One funny but that's a weird story.

[Edited on 14/2/11 by locogeoff]

speed8 - 14/2/11 at 09:57 PM

Left BT ages ago after suffering a year of their ridiculous excuse for service. Went to Virgin and been very happy. Got 10Mb BB and regularly see 11-12Mb and rarely goes below 8Mb.

I'm moving in a couple of months and it's not a Virgin area so I'm probably going to go to O2 as they have ADSL2 and some other loopback or whatever it's called. Either way I wouldn't give BT my money.

edsco - 14/2/11 at 10:46 PM

Am with BT and have been for 3 years plus. I too really want to move suppliers as the service from BT is rubbish, to put it politely! Pay for broadband up to 8MB. Up to....up to!!!!! I rarely get 2MB and during peak times i.e from 17:00 onwards can see connection go down to circa 125kb. Complained countless times but BT arent interested in sorting it out.

Looked into changing supplier and consulting the IT dept at work they said, the service infrastructure will still be BT. I haven't the luxory of moving to cable as it does not exist near me so copper is the only option. The best possible outcome of swapping providers is maybe a cheaper deal.

If looking for advice....unless you are getting a reasonable deal and service with BT then definitely swap!!

britishtrident - 14/2/11 at 10:52 PM

Plusnet is the best deal owned by BT but the difference is night and day unlike BT you get a good Wifi router (which you get to keep after a year) , UK only call centre, very good online support system so things actually get fixed if they go wrong. Also you get decent user online control of email facilities with very good virus and spam filtering and web space. The domain hosting with Plusnet is also pretty good.

O2/Be is it is a very basic fast reliable no frills service, with very basic email and at least when I was with them no real online support system.
I got very pissed off with Be because after a year they changed my T&C and reduce my broadband speed without drawing my attention to it --- if they had I would have gladly payed for higher speed. Also with Be and O2 they give you a decent router but always want it back no matter how long you have been with them.

SteveWalker - 14/2/11 at 11:28 PM

I don't think it matters too much which ISP you go with. A quick search seems to show that whoever they are, they're generally fine until there's a problem and then the customer service is awful! I moved to TalkTalk and six weeks later had line problems (not their fault) and the communication chain through them to BT Openreach to sort the problem was diabolically bad, so it took almost a month to sort out. I thought about telling them to stuff their service and terminate the contract, but when I looked online, virtually every other ISP had similar complaints

dlatch - 14/2/11 at 11:44 PM

currently changing from virgin to BT

service is very dependent on where you live and whats available, over the last few months (since sky bought virgin tv) the broadband service from virgin in my area has become a joke
ie: 20mb package getting 2mb and with very high ping and latency at peak times anyone in the watford/st albans area will prob say the same, fact is the service is getting oversold in certain area's also i heard that sky customers are getting sky broadband through virgin too so even more customers

luckily for me BT is rolling out its infinity network in my area so i have another supplier to switch too we also have this at work all ready and its even better than virgin when it was working

20mb download (upto 24mb is poss) and 2mb upload for £10 less a month
virgin is 20mb (i never saw that speed from them usually 15mb) was 500k upload was upgraded to 1mb but even then you only got 900k at best

so if your are in a infinity enabled area BT will be the best option

edit to add if your switching to virgin go on their support forum and check for any posts in your area it may save you a lot of hassle

[Edited on 14/2/11 by dlatch]

TPG - 15/2/11 at 12:15 AM

We are with Talk Talk, Were with Tiscali which became Talk Talk. For the money (£28 per month) we have broadband and unlimited calls and unlimited calls abroad to fav' top ten blah blah.
Really poor customer service at the very few times we've called but been refunded every time.
I can't beat the deal without tying into a 18 month contract.We have no interest or need for TV services so this makes a big differance to the deals out there. BT can get near if you go for the Pay up front line rental and unlimited calls option and the mid range broad band. But you loose the calls abroad...
Horses for corses.

Humbug - 15/2/11 at 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Gordy
was with bt, costing me £60 a month for limited broadband and free calls, moved to sky got full hd+ package, unlimited broadband and free calls for the same price as bt deal.

£60 a month sounds like way over the odds (or did that include TV, etc.?)

I've currently got business bb paid for by my company but they are stopping that so I've got to get my own. I've ordered BT which IIRC is £28/month unlimited (obviously plus line rental). Doesn't seem too bad to me and "allegedly" the Infinity fibre optic bb is supposed to be available on my local exchange from the end of March... we'll see if that include my area, which currently gets only 3Mbps absolute top whack, and usually less.

britishtrident - 15/2/11 at 09:37 AM

Knowing BT the fibre optic network will be a dogs breakfast for the first couple of years, no point paying extra wonga until it is a known enity.

mrwibble - 15/2/11 at 10:34 AM

Originally posted by speed8
Left BT ages ago after suffering a year of their ridiculous excuse for service. Went to Virgin and been very happy. Got 10Mb BB and regularly see 11-12Mb and rarely goes below 8Mb.

I'm moving in a couple of months and it's not a Virgin area so I'm probably going to go to O2 as they have ADSL2 and some other loopback or whatever it's called. Either way I wouldn't give BT my money.

o2 is bt by another name...

stevebubs - 15/2/11 at 10:46 AM

For those of you in S. Yorks..

Confused but excited. - 15/2/11 at 11:16 AM

Originally posted by SteveWalker
I don't think it matters too much which ISP you go with. A quick search seems to show that whoever they are, they're generally fine until there's a problem and then the customer service is awful! I moved to TalkTalk and six weeks later had line problems (not their fault) and the communication chain through them to BT Openreach to sort the problem was diabolically bad, so it took almost a month to sort out. I thought about telling them to stuff their service and terminate the contract, but when I looked online, virtually every other ISP had similar complaints

I recently moved from TalkTalk to BT, because I spit my dummy over something stupid. Worst move I ever made.
As soon as my contract is up, I will be moving straight back.

wicket - 15/2/11 at 12:58 PM

Another +++ for Plusnet

britishtrident - 15/2/11 at 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.

I recently moved from TalkTalk to BT, because I spit my dummy over something stupid. Worst move I ever made.
As soon as my contract is up, I will be moving straight back.

Frying Pan into Fire.

On the subject BT are about to release Home Hub 3 on the unsuspecting public.

speed8 - 15/2/11 at 04:06 PM

Originally posted by mrwibble
Originally posted by speed8
Left BT ages ago after suffering a year of their ridiculous excuse for service. Went to Virgin and been very happy. Got 10Mb BB and regularly see 11-12Mb and rarely goes below 8Mb.

I'm moving in a couple of months and it's not a Virgin area so I'm probably going to go to O2 as they have ADSL2 and some other loopback or whatever it's called. Either way I wouldn't give BT my money.

o2 is bt by another name...

You sure about that? O2 is telefonica now. It used to be BT Wireless which was actually ok from what I remember. BT Cellnet separated in 2001.

O2 might use BT's wires but for they are linked with Be for broadband and Be consistantly have good reviews. Plus it's only £12/month for unlimited.

scootz - 15/2/11 at 04:39 PM

BT have just offered me their Total BB Option 3 for £20 a month (instead of the old £25). Of course, there is the £18 line rental and call-charge package (anytime), so just under £40 a month for me in total for unlimited phone and broadband use. How does that stack up to other non-BT users having a similar service?

PS - not too fussed about internet speeds as there are no 'fast' services in my area just now

scootz - 16/2/11 at 06:17 PM

Phoned BT and got it down to £33pm for Line Rental, Unlimited Broadband and Unlimited Anytime Calls. Pretty satisfied with that as I kick the arse out of the internet!

britishtrident - 16/2/11 at 06:26 PM

Read the small print I think you will find the reduction only applies for a limited period.

scootz - 16/2/11 at 06:50 PM

For 12 months and can be renewed, renegotiated or cancelled thereafter.