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no video display on 2nd screen
zxrlocost - 9/12/06 at 05:28 PM

hi as above dragged divx onto my TV through external screen 2 so I can watch a movie

I can get the whole thing up but no movie picture on the TV divx is there windows is there etc etc

just a blank part even though the timers going on the bottom corner of divx

when i stop the film the dovx adverts work perfectly

also it works fine on the normal laptop screen

ta chris

Macbeast - 9/12/06 at 10:46 PM

I think you may have to go into control panel, display. You should get a screen up showing two screns and you have to set the second screen to be active. Something like that, anyway.

JackNco - 10/12/06 at 10:39 AM

ok what kind of card id it, if its nvidia based add me on msn and ill guide u through it. i had that problem but theres an option in there to make it auto always full screen on ur TV, very handy for watching movies if ur doing something on your computer.
