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Mac#1 - for 6ft 2in Driver?
Tipster69 - 4/4/10 at 02:19 PM


Trying to compile a "short list" of suitable cars for myself (6ft 2in - 17stone).

Would the Mac#1 be suitable? Anyone of a similar size using one?

Thanks in advance.

[Edited on 4/4/10 by Tipster69]

john_p_b - 4/4/10 at 02:40 PM

should be fine, 6'2" isn't as mutant as it once was. i'm same height and the very wrong side of 16st and i fit in my indy nicely and i know once upon a time mac 1 used to use indy chassis?

FFTS - 4/4/10 at 02:50 PM

It can also depend on the seats and the harnesses that you use. My GRP seats are narrow and when I put new harnesses through the sides the position of my adjustment buckles took another inch off.

Putting it politely its not just your weight but where you carry it if it will fit into the seat

Red16 - 4/4/10 at 04:31 PM

I'm just shy of 5' 11" and I didnt find it a problem sitting in a Mac.

I've taken a few measurements of my chassis for you, hopefully it'll help a little bit

jos - 4/4/10 at 04:58 PM

I'm 6 ft 2 '' and used to be 17.5st and fitted easily so you should have no worries

Tipster69 - 4/4/10 at 05:00 PM


MANY THANKS for all the replies.

I am constantly on the lookout for "that bargain car", and I want to be sure of what I am likely to fit in and which I am not, when the time comes.

Thanks again.

Luego Viento, MNR Vortx, MK Indy, Quantum Xtreme and now MAC #1 are on the list. I also believe the Stuart Taylor (Aries) Locoblade/Locost would also accomodate me, though this wasn't really an unbiased opinion as it was the sellers opinion.

If any of you have cars to add to this list please feel free (it would be much appreciated).

bonesetter - 14/7/10 at 08:38 AM

Did you find one that fitted you, or have you tried any?

I'm looking around for my 6'2" to fit into?

Have tried a Tiger Super 6 - not enough leg room and way to narrow

Also tried a Locost which was too narrow and short on legs

Am hoping the ones you mentioned above will be better

[Edited on 14/7/10 by bonesetter]

bonesetter - 3/8/10 at 01:02 PM

Well, I fit in a Mac!

Just purchased a Worx ZX10R and spent a few hours Sunday morning changing the seat position to one which I like, and also allows me to fit in and allow a comfortable and prefered driving position.

I am 6'2.5" with a 33" inside leg so much of my height is in my body. The car has a full cage fitted and my helmet now fits into the space between the bar crossovers and never hits while driving. So I'm very comfortably in...

germanguy - 3/8/10 at 04:01 PM

well i am far too tall and to fat for my own good
187 cm and just under 16 stone
i fit in mine comftable