I am just finishing the bodywork rebuild of my MK Indy. I used to have indicators in nose cone, headlights, sidelights and rears (4nr) with a mixture
of led and normal bulbs.
I have smoothed over my nose cone indicators and now i have the fast flash.
How do i overcome this? wire into the old circuit a resitor between the posotive and negative or change the relay?
Either use an LED-compatible relay, or wire in a resistor yes.
this may be a stupid question how do i find an LED compitable relay.
my relays are the below
30Amp 12V Heavy Duty 4 Pin Relay Automotive Car Bike Boat Protection https://amzn.eu/d/1HGivVC
Originally posted by Jeano
this may be a stupid question how do i find an LED compitable relay.
my relays are the below
30Amp 12V Heavy Duty 4 Pin Relay Automotive Car Bike Boat Protection https://amzn.eu/d/1HGivVC
Originally posted by Jeano
this may be a stupid question how do i find an LED compitable relay.
my relays are the below
30Amp 12V Heavy Duty 4 Pin Relay Automotive Car Bike Boat Protection https://amzn.eu/d/1HGivVC
sorry this was my flasher relay!
posted the wrong relay
[Edited on 23/8/23 by Jeano]
I bought my relay from carbuilder solutions, they are a great company. it worked straight away.
Now I guess the real question is the fast flashing a "feature not a bug"????
IE with old incandescent bulbs was the fast flashing there to tell you a bulb had blown? Or was it just an annoying feature
Originally posted by BenB
Now I guess the real question is the fast flashing a "feature not a bug"????
IE with old incandescent bulbs was the fast flashing there to tell you a bulb had blown? Or was it just an annoying feature
My relay is 4 pin thou, will this still work?
Originally posted by Jeano
My relay is 4 pin thou, will this still work?
Perhaps easier to fit a 50 watt 6 ohm resistor in line with the LED
Im removing the entire LED lights on this circuit
Originally posted by adithorp
Originally posted by Jeano
My relay is 4 pin thou, will this still work?
Then Google 4pin electronic flasher relay.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234743565974?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=gnvCGhCvRzm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=jvzsexmirua &var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY