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Premier Wiring, poor show
rayward - 3/5/05 at 12:04 PM

I emailed premier wiring inquiring about postage costs for some headlamps and if they were instock, that was 20th april still no reply got some elsewhere now but still pretty poor.....


David Jenkins - 3/5/05 at 12:07 PM

Unusual - but I must admit that I usually phone them, and they've always been very helpful. In fact, I find it difficult to get him off the phone!


mookaloid - 3/5/05 at 12:36 PM

I think Alan gives great service, but I always speak with him on the telephone.

I think he once told me his email didn't work very well.

I can honestly say I have not come across a more helpful supplier I would recommend him to anyone

mangogrooveworkshop - 3/5/05 at 01:41 PM

They were at Stoney and could not have been more helpful. They strike me as more chalk and slate rather than the new fangled email type.
The head lights are 110 quid with 7 quid p&p free p& p If you order at show and they are out of stock In fact the website says. So I suggest spendind a little time calling the man on the phone rather than slagging him off here RANT OVER


Sorry if you are experiencing problems in contacting us by email but, don't despair we are currently looking in to the problem. JOB DONE !! WE BOUGHT A DELL !!In the meantime you can always contact us by phone! 01483 236976

[Edited on 4-5-05 by mangogrooveworkshop]

David Jenkins - 3/5/05 at 01:55 PM

It's a shame when a good company gets a bad name because it doesn't handle e-mails properly. Several well-known kit makers have been slated on this site (no names...) because they haven't answered promptly. There are often perfectly good reasons for this - most companies are very small and can't afford either the time (or the wages) for someone to respond to them.
Maybe the solution is to set an auto-answer that says "your e-mail has been received, and I'll deal with it as soon as I can (or ring me on ...)" - this is what Darren at GTS now does, I believe.
I can't imagine that Alan at Premier Wiring is quite so switched on to the electronic age - so maybe he should not display an e-mail address and simply direct everyone to the telephone. Their website isn't exactly a model of good design either!
I'd still stand up for them, and I've bought heaps of their stuff, but I wish they'd spend a little time and money on improving their system...


MikeR - 3/5/05 at 08:04 PM

I really want to stick up for these guys. I sent them a very vauge email enquirey and they replied, explained that they really needed more detail. It sounded like i wanted this but requested i call them to discuss it further so i didn't get the wrong item.

They did reply, actually cared about what i wanted and didn't want to miss sell - they got my business. Just got to fit the damned loom now

rusty nuts - 3/5/05 at 08:09 PM

When I've ordered parts from them over the phone they couldn't have been more helpful , arranged to collect from them at a show and found Alan? to be more than willing to spend a bit of time advising me . First class service !

mangogrooveworkshop - 4/5/05 at 08:33 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
I really want to stick up for these guys. I sent them a very vauge email enquirey and they replied, explained that they really needed more detail. It sounded like i wanted this but requested i call them to discuss it further so i didn't get the wrong item.

They did reply, actually cared about what i wanted and didn't want to miss sell - they got my business. Just got to fit the damned loom now

In this case the phone is the tool that should have been used! Email is good but people are losing the power of speech

MikeR - 4/5/05 at 11:56 AM

errm, have to disagree here. If a company says they can be contacted via a medium you should be able to use it. I sent an email as it was about 10pm - i can't see anyone being around or impressed at getting a call at that time.

The problem i had was I didn't know what guages i wanted to use, i listed all the options and was asking if i could buy a loom now as the gauge section is separate to the rest of the package.

The answer was yes, it wasn't a problem, they would help with free of charge phone support to get the right wires to the right sockets but they needed to know what switch gear i was using.

(sorry but i feel really defensive about your comment - bad office day)

craig1410 - 4/5/05 at 12:01 PM

Just my tuppence worth...

I can see this from both sides but in my opinion, if you have a website and publish an email address, then you really need to learn how to use it and treat it with equal priority to the phone. If you are not tech-savvy (how tech-savvy do you need to be to read an email...) then perhaps you need to pay someone to read your emails and either fax or phone you with the details!

I'm an IT consultant and use email every day for business purposes and I can tell you for certain that my customers, who rely on me for business critical support, would not accept either an auto-responder or a poor response time. Also, I would absolutely hate for them to be phoning me up constantly and interrupting what I'm doing. I much prefer email where I can decide when to take a break from what I'm doing to scan over the emails and prioritise them accordingly.

By the way, I have not had any dealings with Premier but as mentioned above there are other suppliers who I have dealt with who's email response is often non-existent (auto-responders notwithstanding).


James - 4/5/05 at 12:07 PM

Premier are great.

I've bought loads of stuff off them. Alan even hand delivered my loom round to my house and saved me the delivery cost having customised the loom for me free of charge.
At Detling I approached them during a quiet time and said I was stuck with where to start plumbing it all in. Alan then kindly spent 10minutes or so with me and a show car going through how I should go about putting it all together.

I couldn't really have expected more from them- other than fitting it to the car which unfortunately Alan wasn't up for doing- however much I begged!


P.S. I do agree that companies (in general) shouldn't promise e-mail if they're not able to use it or reply back- it's just asking for trouble!

Hellfire - 4/5/05 at 04:05 PM

Having used both types of communication for over 10 years now in business and personal use, I have noticed the swing from 80:20 percentage in favour of telephone:email to 80:20 percentage split fax/email:telephone now. It's small consolation that when the silicon age is well and truly upon us that it isn't embraced with both hands.

Consequently, if your business suddenly lost business by 60% you would be asking the question WHY. Not answering emails promptly could be the answer. My company have recently done a survey whereby 1000 people were asked how many rings of the phone would you accept before hanging up - answer 4. How many would respond to an auto-answer machine - answer 30%.

Therefore - improving your levels of service may not directly improve your business, but it may pickup opportunistic business where other suppliers fail to respond quickly enough. Afterall, business is business providing it's making profit.

I don't condone slagging people either personally or publically on the first or even the second failed hurdle - give them (the supplier/or service provider) the opportunity to respond and correct/admit problems. If; after that; they then fail to take remedial action the ball is in your court to take whatever action you feel is necessary to generate a response.

However, be very prepared to face the flak afterwards if the sh!t hits the fan for something you have said or written as a knee-jerk reaction to a trivial subject. Things have a nasty habit of turning around and biting you back... be prepared to take counter-measures.

Remember the urgency is in your mind not theirs...

IIWY - I would rethink your statement and act appropriately - we all make mistakes.

rayward - 4/5/05 at 05:42 PM

looks like i've opened a rigth can of worms here.

just to clarify what happened, yes the website did say we are having problems with email at the moment, but also said JOB DONE We bought a dell!.
which i assumed meant they had sorted their email problems.

I sent an enquiry on the 19th, asking if the lights were in stock and how much postage would be.

I got a reply from alan on april 20th just saying he would get back to me with postage costs.

as of today(may 4th) i have still had no reply and stand by my original comment that this is a poor show.

I understand that lots of you have had good dealings with premier, and maybe this was just a one off,I would still give them a go next time i.m after something but will just phone next time.


MikeR - 4/5/05 at 06:34 PM

have you tried reminding him?

Once an email gets read i often mark it as unread if i still need to action it as i frequently forget. He's probably just made an honest mistake.

I'm about to remind a company that they've cashed my cheque and the goods haven't arrived. I know they have them as i saw them on the stand at stoneleigh. I don't want to make a fuss just yet, give them a chance to sort it out. If the don't then i'll feel i will have gone out of my way, they've let me down so it would be right to warn other builders.

DavidM - 4/5/05 at 06:49 PM

I think Alan's just overlooked it by mistake.

I recently bought a loom from them and the service was excellent, both by phone and email (replies always within 24 hours).
Alan took time to explain a couple of things to me at Stoneleigh even though they were obviously very busy.
Oh, and realising I was a complete electrical numpty, fitted most of my Escort/Sierra plugs to my new loom for me, at no additional cost.

So no problems here.


DrEagle - 4/5/05 at 07:24 PM

I dont like Premier Wiring!

I only found their stand on day 2.

By then I have bought most of what I needed and paid more for it!

Next Show I'll make a point of finding Premier Wiring before I part with my folding!