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Which Kitcar Magazines do you read?
paul the 6th - 3/9/09 at 11:17 AM

Bit of a random question but just wondering which kitcar mags you lot read the most (if any)...

Going to be advertising my business in one or two of the kitcar mags subject to costs and wanted to get an idea of which one dominates the kitcar literature section.

I'll also be registerring as a trader on here shortly

cheers, Paul w

Benzine - 3/9/09 at 11:19 AM

I used to read a couple but found that they were mostly adverts with very little content. PPC ftw

Davey D - 3/9/09 at 11:30 AM

Same here - The only car mag i read is PPC

James - 3/9/09 at 11:30 AM

PPC is the only one I read.

Good luck with the business venture. If you can get going in this climate, you'll be rolling in it once things recover!


Bluemoon - 3/9/09 at 11:30 AM

All a bit pant's if any it's got to be PPC...

[Edited on 3/9/09 by Bluemoon]

UncleFista - 3/9/09 at 11:38 AM

I'll be the fourth to say PPC only

paul the 6th - 3/9/09 at 11:39 AM

well I'm glad I asked, thanks so far guys

Originally posted by James
Good luck with the business venture. If you can get going in this climate, you'll be rolling in it once things recover!

I've just entered my 4th year of business on the 1st of july I recently purchased a printer to go with the cutter & heat press I have already, so I'm expanding slowly but surely. I decided I'd better get my finger out and drum up a little more business to help pay for the equipment.

Anywho, I'd better not say much more otherwise I'll be getting my knuckles rapped by the mods for soliciting services without being a trader. More info to come soon

liam.mccaffrey - 3/9/09 at 11:39 AM

PPC sub
Racecar Engineering sub
Motorsport occasionally

tomgregory2000 - 3/9/09 at 11:41 AM

ppc for me too

oh and track and race cars sometimes

[Edited on 3/9/09 by tomgregory2000]

speed8 - 3/9/09 at 12:03 PM

I used to have a subscription for PPC but they kept promising me a t-shirt and never sent one so I didn't renew after a couple of years....
If I fancy something to read I'll buy it, if not I don't. Mostly I read Evo or Octane these days.

coozer - 3/9/09 at 12:05 PM

PPC lands on the doorstep... I flick through the kit car mags in Tesco and they have very little in the way of motivation.

Other mags I read are ClassicFord and Total Offroad. I sometimes buy FastFord if there is a zetec conversion/build article.

nick205 - 3/9/09 at 12:09 PM

Occaisional pick up a copy of PPC and sometimes read brother in-laws copy of Octane.

Can't stomach the kit car mags anymore - makes you wonder who actually reads them doesn't it!

scootz - 3/9/09 at 12:09 PM


Realized very quickly that they are repetitive and lazy.

What's PPC???

scootz - 3/9/09 at 12:11 PM

Practical Performance Car?

bassett - 3/9/09 at 12:18 PM

Il have a flick through in WHSmiths and get any of the above if they have some interesting stuff in but i wouldnt say i buy them regularly. I just find a lot of the stuff is always the same especially the adverts and the focus is really broad when id say im mainly interested into the 7 style cars and bec engines. I like it when they follow a build but then i dont stay commited to any one mag, they should do several pages devoted to one build per issue so you get the full story of building and living with that one kit.

Fozzie - 3/9/09 at 12:36 PM

I've got about 3 months to go with my subs to Complete Kit Car ..... just wanted to give it a 'go' as it was a newbie to the scene.....

Sometimes buy PPC, but only if there is something/article that I want to read....

I get Octane sent as we advertise in there...and no, before you all shout,....totally NOT kit car/7 related....
Quite expensive to advertise in there though......


02GF74 - 3/9/09 at 12:41 PM

I have locostbuilder, is free; usually more interesting than the mags.

mookaloid - 3/9/09 at 12:52 PM

PPC if any here too

tomgregory2000 - 3/9/09 at 01:00 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Practical Performance Car?


Guinness - 3/9/09 at 01:02 PM

Another PPC reader here.

Will very occasionally leaf through the others in Smith's, but unless there is something really new or interesting, it's just the same old stuff.


djtom - 3/9/09 at 01:35 PM

Another PPC reader here. All the kit car mags are just dire, IMHO!


ashg - 3/9/09 at 01:40 PM

so does this mean nobody is following my build in complete kit car mag then?

am i wasting my time turning out 4-5 pages for them every month?

iank - 3/9/09 at 02:03 PM

I get PPC on subscription.

Sometimes buy Complete Kit Car which IMO is the best of the current bunch of kit specific magazines.

Kitcar Magazine used to be better through the feud years with Which Kit but has gone downhill with a large number of repeat articles and advertisements dressed up as features..

Have got some copies of Totalkitcar where there was an article of interest but their website has most of the news features on it.

kipper - 3/9/09 at 02:21 PM

Another vote for PPC, but I also take complete kitcar,
I won't have anything to do with scribblings by Dennis Tanner who just produces reprints of things past and calles them GUIDES.
There is one out now labeled something like KITCAR SUMMER GUIDE, just flik through it a tesco. there is stuff in there I read about eight years ago.

contaminated - 3/9/09 at 02:45 PM

And another for PPC - but I do also get CKC every other month or so. I like the kit car mags but I'm fed up with them all featuring the same stuff. I have lost track of how many articles I've seen on Total Head Turners - and they don't even build anything to my knowledge!

spaximus - 3/9/09 at 02:57 PM

I have subscription to PPC, Complete Kitcar and Totalkitcar TKC.
It all depends on what you want in a magazine really, PPC annoys and entertains as they are really good at buying but not so good at finishing projects. TKC is an all round magazine with articles that go into areas not directly involved with Kit cars. Complete is the best all round for building and finishing things and keeping up with new events. The problem with having a stand alone kit car magazine is new models are few and far between so they need things to write about and yes they do repeate a bit but that is not bad in my opinion.

mookaloid - 3/9/09 at 03:42 PM

Originally posted by ashg
so does this mean nobody is following my build in complete kit car mag then?

am i wasting my time turning out 4-5 pages for them every month?

Depends if you are getting paid for doing it

paul the 6th - 3/9/09 at 04:24 PM

thanks everyone for pointing me in the direction of PPC mag - somehow it has been under my radar when I've been browsing the magazine sections in the past.

Stopped at borders on the way home to grab a copy - it's pretty slick! I was getting fed up with most of the kitcar magazines as well to be honest...

Guinness - 3/9/09 at 04:48 PM

Come on then, what's the new business?


paul the 6th - 3/9/09 at 04:53 PM

lol I've been in business for over 3 full years (just entered the 4th year on the 1st of july)...

I'm a graphic designer & signwriter but have been expanding into other areas slowly over the past 12 months. We got a heat press around a year ago so we also do design & supply customised heat pressed clothing, and we acquired a wide format printer just over 6 weeks ago so we can now print on to vinyl, banners, canvas and various finishes of paper.

The mainstay of the business is vinyl artwork for conferences and exhibitions but we're starting to do more vehicles and retail stuff so it's all going quite nicely

Anywho, I'll not say any more until I get my trader status sorted or I might end up in trouble

tomgregory2000 - 3/9/09 at 05:04 PM

Originally posted by spaximus
It all depends on what you want in a magazine really, PPC annoys and entertains as they are really good at buying but not so good at finishing projects.

That sounds like me
and prob many others and thats why its such a good mag

Danozeman - 3/9/09 at 05:27 PM

PPc for me or the hot rod mags.

I used to get the kit car mags but got fed up with buying a book of adverts.

rusty nuts - 3/9/09 at 06:16 PM

I got fed up with the bitching in the kit car mags and now only read PPC , seems to be the one to read?

JEPY - 3/9/09 at 06:22 PM

PPC, Evo, Complete Kit Car, Practical Classics...

mistergrumpy - 3/9/09 at 06:26 PM

I get CKC every month. I like the personal touch, the home build updates and the fact they will reply to you personally, even on here but they seem to be going a bit too classic for me, are too quick to say things are great rather than giving a subjective view and things like "find the posh word in this months magazine" rile me. Too Southern and middle class.

MikeRJ - 3/9/09 at 06:37 PM

I've had PPC on subscription since it first started. I only ever buy a Kit Car mag if it happens to have an interesting article when I'm browsing in WH Smith etc.