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size matters
kennyrayandersen - 23/9/09 at 03:57 PM

Could one of you resident experts list, from smallest, to largest, the various 7 versions? I'm actually trying to get one that is about the same size as the S3 Caterham, which I think is just a little larger than the earlier ones.

scootz - 23/9/09 at 04:21 PM

You'll struggle to get anything as small as a Caterham S3... I had one years ago and it was MUCH smaller than any kitcar I've been in since.

shaun fulcrum - 23/9/09 at 05:07 PM

I think strikers are one of the smallest 7's, I can't think of a smaller one though so possably the smallest!?

Sorry that I can't be more helpfull.

Steve Hignett - 23/9/09 at 08:04 PM

Striker is the tiniest bit smaller, then Caterham S3 and Pre-Lit Westy the same size. Oh, and the Birkin is also the same size as the S3...

andrew.carwithen - 23/9/09 at 08:51 PM

I'd say the Tiger Avon is very similar in size to the Caterham. (it's certainly smaller than an MK or MNR, for example.)
The Sylva Riot is 'sevenesque' in appearance and is tiny.

Madinventions - 23/9/09 at 09:36 PM

The Mojo (linky1, linky2) is a kind of modern take on the seven style with open front wheels and winged rears, and is truly tiny. It's basically the same chassis as the Riot but with a fuller bodyshell.

Here's mine next to a Toyota Yaris which aren't particlarly large cars either!

build diary here

kennyrayandersen - 23/9/09 at 10:46 PM

how does the Fisher Fury, or Phoenix compare?

Hmmmm so the Striker is the small one? See, that's what I mean by the pictures being deceptive. Since the Fulcrum is built on the same chassis, then I'm guessing it's pretty small as well.

That explains how someone got that S2000 lump in the MK -- it looked like it fit reasonable well, which surprised me.

I guess I'm trying to avoid at least the extra large 7 versions.

MikeR - 23/9/09 at 11:47 PM

Aries is based on the locost chassis which is the same as a pre-lit westy I believe.

It also uses the smaller body work so is proportioned closer to a caterham.