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Finally got my BEC finished
Jonas - 20/7/16 at 09:02 AM

Not as fast as it seems in the video though :-)


adithorp - 20/7/16 at 09:19 AM

They're never "finished".

computid - 20/7/16 at 09:40 AM

Unfortunately mate it would seem you've made a fatal mistake!


You've put the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car!

CosKev3 - 20/7/16 at 02:35 PM

Great video

Car looks very nice

bowood14 - 20/7/16 at 08:03 PM

Great video and nice garage

Jonas - 21/7/16 at 07:27 AM


I realise it will never be "finished", but at least its road registered and drivable. Im sure it will get some mods done during the winter. :-)


adithorp - 21/7/16 at 08:23 AM

What's involved in registering over there? Do you have an equivalent of our IVA?

Jonas - 21/7/16 at 09:23 AM

In short:

A organisation (SFRO) do 2 inspections (like IVA i think).
First one when the car is on wheels without bodywork etc, to check construction, welds etc..
Second one when the car is finished, to check road stability, brakes, measure noice etc..

After that we need to do a ordinary check to get the registration (like SVA i think), to check light positions, e-marking, weight etc..

And we have to stick to a maximum of 15kW/100kg curb weight.
