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I bet there was some clenching going on!
BenB - 31/7/10 at 04:40 PM

How close was that last one! Bloody hell.

A1 - 31/7/10 at 04:49 PM

bloody hell! thats so awesome!!

Jomibo - 31/7/10 at 04:50 PM

holy fcuk, thats mental!

tegwin - 31/7/10 at 05:00 PM

Makes you wish you lived closer to the big hills.... would be amazing fun!

rusty nuts - 31/7/10 at 05:02 PM

I wouldn't do that, I can't ski!!!

dave - 31/7/10 at 05:44 PM

The mentalist of the mental

hicost - 31/7/10 at 05:48 PM

One in six base jumpers die, I read it recently, that’s not to say they should not do it, I understand the buzz.

Having watched the program on Everest last night about all the people that die and people walking past the dying and dead they are in a world of their own.

And to be honest unless you are in it I don’t think you can pass judgement.

But I won’t be going up a mountain anytime soon to jump off. I don’t mind driving at 10,000 feet mind.
Each to their own.

Confused but excited. - 31/7/10 at 06:59 PM

That must be some rush

rusty nuts - 31/7/10 at 07:04 PM

One in six base jumpers die? Not strictly true according to he documentary on channel 4 ? during the week , it's a bit higher . Saying that I have known several base jumpers and as far as I know none of them has died jumping.

drhunter - 1/8/10 at 12:11 AM

Great video, you should check out the similar ones where the guy/gal in the suit has a jet for propulsion!

"one in six base jumpers die" is wrong as we will all die eventually

LBMEFM - 1/8/10 at 07:25 AM

All I can say is sod that:

LBMEFM - 1/8/10 at 07:25 AM

All I can say is sod that:

scootz - 1/8/10 at 07:52 AM

What a buzz!

rusty nuts - 1/8/10 at 08:24 AM

That'll be the wind rippling the wings on the jump suit

RK - 1/8/10 at 12:20 PM

I don't suppose that's any more dangerous than riding in the back of a pick up truck while the driver goes off a 5 foot ledge while drunk, like my friends did once. I was in the front... The guy in the back had no idea what was coming. We survived and sometimes other youthful idiots do too!

Unfortunately, it means less middle class people paying taxes when it all goes wrong.

Ninehigh - 1/8/10 at 02:00 PM

"Lisa, did you just see some bloke fly past that corner then?"

nemesis v12 - 1/8/10 at 02:17 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
One in six base jumpers die? Not strictly true according to he documentary on channel 4 ? during the week , it's a bit higher . Saying that I have known several base jumpers and as far as I know none of them has died jumping.

i dont think its the jumping that does the killing...i would have thought it was the landing at 120 mph

[Edited on 1/8/10 by nemesis v12]

rusty nuts - 1/8/10 at 04:44 PM

Base jumping from 100 feet you probably don't reach terminal velocity!