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recommend a DAB radio for SWMBO please
mads - 4/10/10 at 03:05 PM

hello all,
the other half has asked me to look at a DAB radio for her flat but I know bugger all about them so turn to you all for a bit of advice...

budget: £150 max
remote control (preferable)
decent sound
not ugly! (rolls eyes)
possible iPod connectivity

does anyone have any experience or recommendations on what to get or what to avoid? and also anything to look out for?
she's not an audiophile but is a musician so has a good ear therefore not want anything with too crappy a sound.

cheers all

coozer - 4/10/10 at 03:28 PM

I won a DAB on Absolute the other night, turned up this morning and its getting a road test tonight across the A66 and down the M6 (and back)

It sounds good in the house and the Sony one I have in the Mitty is brilliant. I've been after a portable one for the truck so winning one is magic!

Its a Roberts Unologic. I'll let you know tomorrow once I've tested it.

With good reception, which is down to the aerial more than owt else the sound is very good, cd like. You should get a cracking one for £150. There's ipod/dab docking radios as well. have a look in the Argos or Curry's.

daniel mason - 4/10/10 at 03:33 PM

the pure range are very good and in your price range!

g.gilo - 4/10/10 at 04:13 PM

just bought "pure one elite" a week ago,
very good stereo /mp3 con/optinal rechage pak/ 15minute rewind /pause etc.

GMPMotorsport - 4/10/10 at 04:32 PM

My son has one in his Mondeo, when you get a signal it's crystal clear but going over to Machester the signal does drop out a few times.

mads - 4/10/10 at 04:39 PM

cheers for the replies folks. just to point out that she wont be putting it in the car so it doesnt have to be a portable one..

britishtrident - 4/10/10 at 06:54 PM

Be aware not all digital radios are stereo ! -- some of the cheaper one have only one speaker.

If anybody else is thinking of buying a a DAB Alarm Clock radio, go for the Roberstons one -- great bit of kit you can actually read the clock if you normally wear glasses/contacts and the sound gradually fades in when the alarm goes off. We made the mistake of buying an ASDA DAB Clock radio -- absolute junk.

stevebubs - 4/10/10 at 07:32 PM

Originally posted by GMPMotorsport
My son has one in his Mondeo, when you get a signal it's crystal clear but going over to Machester the signal does drop out a few times.

That's odd - I never had an issue around Manchester - M6, M62, M61, M60 all worked fine for me....

But yes - the quality is *sooo* good compared to the FM tuner...

stevebubs - 4/10/10 at 07:35 PM

Back on track - we've a Pure portable in the house, and the build quality is pretty good. If I were to buy another DAB radio as per your SWMBO, I'd look to see what they had to offer...

Ninehigh - 5/10/10 at 01:56 AM

I think it's that Pure One I got for swmbo, decent radio really. Better have a listen to them before you buy though

coozer - 5/10/10 at 04:12 PM

Just to let you know my portable Roberts Unologic was crap up the M6 over the lakes and across the A66.. cd time.

Also down the m1 and across the M62 couldn't find the arrow...

Also munched through a set of batteries in the 11 hour shift.

However, great sound and crystal clear when it was on, would make a great 'static' radio of the portable type.

The Sony dab in the Mitty is much better but then that has better aerial and 6 speakers to output through.

Its the future, go for it!