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michael dunlop?
daniel mason - 4/6/13 at 09:05 PM

how close to the edge does this guy dare run? if he doesnt crash (or god forbid die) how long can he dominate the IOM TT? hes so fast its scary and from lap 1 on relatively cold tyres! #respect

MsD - 4/6/13 at 10:11 PM

He has upped his game massively this year! Every credit...
But Fridays main race is where it all matters- it'll be interesting to see if anyone pushes a little bit too far!

But too take 3(ish) seconds off Hutchys lap record is bloody impressive. Especially after the commentators said it wouldn't happen!


daniel mason - 5/6/13 at 05:53 AM

think it was 3 seconds off the race record (4 laps) but not sure

franky - 5/6/13 at 06:26 AM

Its great what he's doing but he does seem to push that little bit more than others, although he does look smoother this year.

clanger - 5/6/13 at 07:19 AM

Losing 3 stone is going to help with the power to weight ratio on every bike he sits on !!!!

scootz - 5/6/13 at 09:52 AM

Fair play to the lad for being so damn aggessively fast and giving us a hell of a spectacle, but I can't help but think that he's odds-on to go the same way as his father and uncle.

Hope I'm wrong though and that he entertains us for years to come yet!

pewe - 5/6/13 at 10:36 AM

Agree with Scootz.
Problem with the IoM is if you get it wrong it'll bite you.
In contrast unbelieveable Marco Marquez walked away from a 170mph off at Mugello this weekend !
Credit to Alpinestars technology- his shoulder took 25g and no broken collar bone or anything - amazing.
Cheers, Pewe10

Jasper - 7/6/13 at 11:20 AM

Some amazing racing this week for sure, I can't believe the big final race today isn't on live anywhere.

I wouldn't be better against Michael Dunlop making it a clean sweep, he's been truly awesome, lets hope he can keep it on the tarmac though.

I thought it had been a death free event this year, but then read a Japanese guy died during the practice sessions, such a shame.

scootz - 7/6/13 at 11:46 AM

Was reading the thread about Joey Dunlop earlier (Michael's uncle) and it got me thinking that what REALLY separates these road-racing guys is not technique or skill (there will be an element of these)... it's more their apparent lack of self-regard and sheer will to be the fastest. This, of course, means there's a real possibility of not coming home from a meet. That posibility becomes a probability if you compete over the lengthy period of time that Joey did.

I wonder what Michaels mother must think of it all. She's lost a husband and a brother-in-law to road-racing. To lose a son would be something completely different though. I would think that even if she's the strongest willed woman on the planet and wants to let her boys do what makes them happiest, there must still be a part of her that is desperate for them to leave the roads behind.

A thoughtful son would acknowledge the impact his actions have on his nearest and dearest. He doesn't have anything to 'prove' now... he's made his point in road-racing and is worthy of mention in the same sentence as his uncle.

He's such hot property just now that there's undoubted money waiting for him in circuit racing. Continue doing what you love (maybe not what you love the most, but it's pretty damn close!), make more money... spare your mother the sleepless nights!

Jasper - 7/6/13 at 12:39 PM

Yeah I have to say I do feel the same way, in fact there was a long thread on here last year or the year before about this very subject on the TT, I was on the side of 'it's too dangerous' - I think 3 people had died that year. I gave up my Ducati when I got together with my now wife, I knew she worried every time I went out on it, so it didn't seem fair. I sold it and built a Locost instead - not without risk but a whole lot less than the Ducati.

I suppose it's down to personal choice - I choose not to put my family through the worry of me riding a motorbike, I care about them enough to respect their feelings.

But at the same time if the racers feel it's worth the risk then it's up to them, most of their wives would have married them knowing they were racers and the risks that come with it, mind you the mums don't have a choice.

I've still really enjoyed watching all the races this year, but I may have turned it off if someone had died.

MikeRJ - 7/6/13 at 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Jasper
I suppose it's down to personal choice - I choose not to put my family through the worry of me riding a motorbike, I care about them enough to respect their feelings.

It sounds like your family are very much against you riding a motorbike, but that's not the case with everyone's family. My wife used to be a biker and is happy for me to ride, my 70 year old father and my step mum both have bikes, as does my brother and my uncle.

Jasper - 7/6/13 at 01:40 PM

Nope - my wife wasn't against me riding or anti bikes in general, she even came on the back a few times, but I could see that it was something that really worried her as she knew the statistics. My relationship ship with her was just worth more to me than my bike.

I know it's not the same for everyone, but we've known two families destroyed by the death of the father/husband (both in they're 40/50's) in bike accidents neither of them their fault. To me the pleasure I got riding a bike was not great enough to justify the risk, that's all.

And I think it also depends on what type of person you are too, I love speed and tend to drive at the maximum I think is safe and reasonable most of the time, on a bike I just loved going fast and the potential to do myself serious damage was just too high!

I don't want to get into a bike are too dangerous debate though as it's completely pointless, we are all adults that can make our own minds up.

scootz - 7/6/13 at 01:49 PM

The live updates on the TT website stopped mid-senior race and there's been now't on the site since. Has somethinng untoward happened???

jps - 7/6/13 at 01:51 PM

I know what you mean about thinking about other people.

By my thinking most people who are truly successful at anything where there has to be a significant investment, be it of time - or self, have to fundamentally be rather on the selfish side. That's not meant as any sort of judgement as to whether that is right or wrong, or a criticism of people who are successful, it's just a fact. Being good at something means investing time/money and sometimes your own safety in it. The people who loose out are going to be the people close to you.

I think that fairly well explains why Michael Dunlop wouldn't stop - it'd be in complete contrast to what got him to wheree he is in the first place....

Struggling to think of anyone who has gone "that'll do" and just walked away from motorsport at, or before, their peak. Doubtless you'll all come up with a flood of examples to prove me wrong... (edit - ok Jackie Stewart, although he could clearly have gone earlier than he did...)

[Edited on 7/6/13 by jps]

scootz - 7/6/13 at 01:57 PM

Originally posted by scootz
The live updates on the TT website stopped mid-senior race and there's been now't on the site since. Has somethinng untoward happened???

Senior race redflagged.

Rider has gone off (he's ok), but 11 specators have been taken to hospital (none thought life threatening).

scootz - 7/6/13 at 02:04 PM

Ooft...not much left of his bike!

Jasper - 7/6/13 at 02:16 PM

Oh bugger, lets hope the injuries aren't too bad......

Do you think they will re-run the race or is that it?

Looks hopeful:

"Race Control are waiting for confirmation from Nobles Hospital that they have sufficient resources available to support a restart of the delayed Senior TT," it added.

[Edited on 7/6/13 by Jasper]

scootz - 7/6/13 at 02:18 PM

Said they will re-start at 15:45.

News reports are suggesting that none of the injuries are serious.

Aaron_n_Sim - 7/6/13 at 02:44 PM

Originally posted by pewe
Agree with Scootz.
Problem with the IoM is if you get it wrong it'll bite you.
In contrast unbelieveable Marco Marquez walked away from a 170mph off at Mugello this weekend !
Credit to Alpinestars technology- his shoulder took 25g and no broken collar bone or anything - amazing.
Cheers, Pewe10

His first crash in the practice session was 200mph+ they said he'd torn and bruised his chest muscles & that he broke his collar bone then, he then went on to crash at 170mph on Sunday and still walked away, they're warriors

scootz - 7/6/13 at 03:02 PM

... news reports now suggesting that one person is seriously injured.

Aaron_n_Sim - 7/6/13 at 03:51 PM

Originally posted by scootz
... news reports now suggesting that one person is seriously injured.

"Rider unharmed 11 spectators taken to hospital with injuries ranging from minor to serious, none believed to be life threatening" info on sky news twitter feed