One of those times where 10 options just isn't enough... but who would you vote for and why?
You forgot the "none of the above" option...
I believe that US voters can write in the name of their preferred candidate - perhaps Bernie Sanders will make it after all!
Unbelievable that these 2 muppets have got this far. They make Boris look good.
Even the sensible yanks are looking at it as "which one is the least worse?"
Trump with access to nuclear weapons just doesn't bear thinking about... and there I was thinking Kim Jon Un was an accident waiting to
I think 'none of the above' seems appropriate.
Trump is a joke - you cant use someone like that as a protest vote. Clinton isnt great by any stretch of the imagination, and a 3rd part vote would be
a waste. Sadly she is the lesser of 2 evils.
Give her 4 years and find someone better for the next term.
It is worth reading up on Trump's activities in Scotland,then his various other failed business ventures that other people carried the can for.
Hilary may have been around the Belt Way far too many times but she is a president the world can do business with.
Even as seems likely Trump is not elected he will still be dangerous.
[Edited on 7/11/16 by britishtrident]
Originally posted by sdh2903
Unbelievable that these 2 muppets have got this far. They make Boris look good.
Even the sensible yanks are looking at it as "which one is the least worse?"
Originally posted by Slimy38
Trump with access to nuclear weapons just doesn't bear thinking about... and there I was thinking Kim Jon Un was an accident waiting to happen!!
Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by Slimy38
Trump with access to nuclear weapons just doesn't bear thinking about... and there I was thinking Kim Jon Un was an accident waiting to happen!!
I doubt that is the case. The president is a public figure for PR purposes but the real decisions are made by far smarter people in the back ground.
It seems the LCB supporters of Trump dont want to justify it?!
Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by Slimy38
Trump with access to nuclear weapons just doesn't bear thinking about... and there I was thinking Kim Jon Un was an accident waiting to happen!!
I doubt that is the case. The president is a public figure for PR purposes but the real decisions are made by far smarter people in the back ground.
Maybe a "fail", but I think I'd probably stay home and see what happens in this one.
Originally posted by nick205
Maybe a "fail", but I think I'd probably stay home and see what happens in this one.
Originally posted by britishtrident
.........and Corben look like a realist.
If Trump hits the button, then May will hit ours (if we have one that works, and not on strike, or has leaves on the line )
Then Putin, and then the idiotic German Dictator Merkel, theirs
That will reduce the whole of the west to a no go zone, for a looooong time, and at least it will halt the Muislim takeover for a while
And then we have The East to contend with, and they do not seem any better
as for building a shelter, not sure its going to be worthwhile
Jez, they have screwed themselves.
I,m reluctantly for Trump... Okay there I said it but will caveat this with if I was an American mid to low level worker.
Also listening to radio 4, Trump is not crazy and he will feather his nest but once the heat has died down he will start to make deals for his
country/himself as its how he made his millions.
He will generate industry in America by by making anything imported unprofitable, so the minions will be better off
Down side is it will not be balanced so lots of collateral damage, he will take them back to clan days to get his way.
Clinton, told to hand over her emails and 33,000 suddenly disappear, she should not be allowed to stand on that alone. Millions poured in by the Arabs
to pay for her campaign, she will be paying this back.... protecting their interests and she just looks so bloody smug!
Trump will probally better for us, needs a few allies.
For the rest if the world, he is a disaster waiting to happen.
Hillary is a safe bet, she will be managed by the republican senate so will be controlled.
Either way they have screwed themselves, killed their industries and borrowed trillions, I think I would like to see a big change and shake up.
The have been some strong rumours about Russian backing for Trump... probably total fiction, but...
Mr Whippy for prez!
Originally posted by mark chandler
Also listening to radio 4, Trump is not crazy and he will feather his nest but once the heat has died down he will start to make deals for his country/himself as its how he made his millions.
Am I right in thinking that Trump inherited his fortune and has infact lost millions in failed business ventures.
SteveWallace - 7/11/16 at 08:55 PMI have an American friend who I asked the other day when he was over here. He said that he feels like he's been given a revolver and been asked to choose whether he wants to shoot himself in the right temple or the left one!
britishtrident - 7/11/16 at 09:02 PMTrump first although he promotes himself as a self-made millionaire and a financial genius this contrary to the evidence in fact he inherited a huge pile of money from his father and hasn't added to it in fact if he had just left the money he inherited in the Chase Manhattan bank at normal interest rates he would be worth more today.
His father used some pretty nasty methods to to build his property empire after his father's death under Donald's control the Trump organisation was proved several times to be enforcing a colour bar on the occupation of its properties.
Trump undertook disasterous huge casino developments in Alantic City
Trump claims about Scottish golf resorts don't match up to anything like reality. the tactics he used to gain control of the land have been the subject of a 2011 documentary
A special irony attaches to his repeated attacks on HRC with regard to the emails
[Edited on 7/11/16 by britishtrident]
mark chandler - 7/11/16 at 09:04 PMA complete mess.....
at least the senate controls them.
perksy - 7/11/16 at 10:48 PMHaving watched "You've been Trumped" I really hope its Clinton who wins it
I can't believe anybody would watches that would support Trump after the way he treated the folks up North
Having said that some of the folks 'in power' up there didn't come out of it looking too good either...
*If* Trump does get in I think the world will become a less safer place to live
I like Obama and it's a shame he can't stay when you compare him to these two...
britishtrident - 8/11/16 at 01:05 PMI predict if elected HRC is likely to step down after one term and I suspect Michelle Obama may seek the Democrat nomination.
spaximus - 8/11/16 at 05:32 PMWhat you need to do here though is understand that politics in the US are way different to here. Over there it has become discredited with the way they are funded and big business has a huge influence over everything.
The press coverage in the UK is distorted and it is the same in the US. Every dirty trick has been used against Trump and yes he is a sexist whose mouth runs away with him. However there is a big but!!!
He appeals to the working class there, he stood up when Ford said they were going to move the production of passenger cars to Mexico and said he will impose a 35% import tax on them as he could not stand by and see American jobs exported. Clinton said it was up to Ford what they did.
When you see Detroit, for example you can see how that devastates everything in the area and why blue collar workers like what they hear.
Trumps biggest mistake is his "we will build a wall, all illegal Mexicans are rapists" comments. Normally many Latinos are working class poor people, who work hard, however there is a huge percentage in Florida who are Latino and he needs to win that state and his comments have not gone down there well. His next one was picking a fight with a Muslim Father who lost a son in the military, I suspect he was badly advised but just kept on digging a hole instead of saying sorry.
Who is most dangerous between the two, hard to say. Trump could get on with Putin as they are alike. He would certainly take the fight to ISIS in a way that the rest of the Wests leaders are unwilling to do. Clinton on the other hand wants to go down in history as the first female President and might want to prove she is harder than any man.
What is clear to most rational people is the US have never had such a bad choice of people. Out of the whole country they could not find anyone better than these two. We think we have problems here but they are nothing compared with the US.
The polls suggest it is Clinton who will win, but there is a suspicion that many when asked are saying Clinton when they will vote Trump as they don't want people to really know.
I have friends who live in Florida, work for the Government and are decent rational people, they and many of their friends including women, Blacks and Latino's support Trump as Clinton has more skeletons than a graveyard to come out and she has been proved dishonest several times. They want a strong president who will stand up for the US above all else, they do not see her as doing that as she has too many favours to pay back first.
I would not be shocked if there is an upset and he wins, but who knows what the outcome will be and how the world will react to either one.
britishtrident - 8/11/16 at 07:22 PMI formed my opinion of Trump years ago based initially on what he has got up to in the UK nothing to do with the American press or political class the fact that even Nigel Farrage has washed his hands on speak legions.
That some people in the US vote for him worries me his attitude to a free press has too many echoes of Italy in the 1920's, although I don't think even Trumpf would follow Mussonlini's example and arrange for newspaper editors to be mysteriously beaten to death at their desks. But if his supporters in the KKK did it I suspect he would be unlikely to feel remorse. The fact is for Trump nothing matters except Donald Trump like the late Rorbert Maxwell he sues anyone who stands in his way often adopting the tactic of persuing them through years of groundless constantly delayed litigation until his opponents are financially broken.
I am absolutely astonished that his veiled hints that some groups who support him will interfere with voters at polling stations is not illegal in the country that proclaims itself the guiding light of free will and democracy.
How many Donald Trumps does take to change a light bulb? Seven....
One to change the bulb
One to say it is broken.
One to say he never said somebody might just break it.
One to say its was a Muslim/Black/Jew/Mexican/German/Frenchman/Clinton who did it.
One to say I never said it was broken.
One to send the bill to Mexico
One to say "they let you do that do that when you are a star".
[Edited on 8/11/16 by britishtrident]
gingerprince - 8/11/16 at 08:12 PM
skodaman - 8/11/16 at 10:57 PMI'd vote Trump as the lesser of two evils. Hillary is a career criminal.
sdh2903 - 9/11/16 at 07:01 AMWell looks like the nutter has won it. Makes our Brexit seem a little less stupid......
steve m - 9/11/16 at 07:57 AMOh dear, what have the Americans done
world war 3 looms, with a village idiot like him in charge
britishtrident - 9/11/16 at 09:07 AMJoni Mitchell "The Fiddle and the Drum
And so once again
Oh, America my friend
And so once again
You are fighting us all
And when we ask you why
You raise your sticks and cry and we fall
Oh, my friend
How did you come
To trade the fiddle for the drum