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iTunes alternatives
Jumpy Guy - 6/7/06 at 08:56 PM

what else can i use?
sick of iTunes and the magical file conversions etc etc

any other freeware jukebox software?

MikeRJ - 6/7/06 at 09:46 PM

If you have an iPod then Anapod Explorer is worth every penny. Makes iTunes look like the pile of dung that it is.

JoelP - 6/7/06 at 09:52 PM

ditto, itunes is junk....

Jumpy Guy - 6/7/06 at 09:58 PM

nope, dont have an iPod

just want some decent software on my home PC....

Hellfire - 7/7/06 at 08:44 AM

Having just bought an iPod... I find iTunes intrusive, non-user friendly and basically one of the worst interfaces imaginable.
Does anyone else have any opinions on is imminent replacement on my machine?

Hellfire - 7/7/06 at 08:47 AM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
If you have an iPod then Anapod Explorer is worth every penny. Makes iTunes look like the pile of dung that it is.

Not very locost though is it???

Try this : SHAREPOD

[Edited on 7-7-06 by Hellfire]

donut - 7/7/06 at 08:54 AM

I love iTunes!! It's one of my most fave programmes on my PC but then iagain i do have a car engine in my Hellfire!!

nick205 - 7/7/06 at 10:48 AM

I got so ticked off with itunes on my laptop I removed it and told the wife to sort her own ipod out. Windows media player may not be perfect, but it does me just fine and it's free

donut - 7/7/06 at 11:00 AM

iTunes is free too!

I don't understand why pwoplw don't like it. The only thing i don't like is the fact that if you buy anything from the store is downloads to an iPod read only file type so if you want it in MP3 you have to record it to disc then rip the disc. Apart from that it's brill.

Jasper - 7/7/06 at 11:41 AM

Must say I like it too, easy to use etc etc..... and free....

Stuart Ainslie - 7/7/06 at 04:14 PM

Musicmatch Jukebox

stevebubs - 7/7/06 at 06:12 PM

PErhaps because iTunes forces you to work "how it works" rather than how you work...oh and the number of times it's wiped my iPod just to reinstall all the tracks again is unbefeckinbelieveable.

Dump it...piece of sh!t....

stevebubs - 7/7/06 at 06:16 PM

Interestingly enough, the very early PC iPods shipped with a MusicMatch Jukebox adapter.

Apple ceased support for the driver when they launched iTunes...strangely enough forcing a s/w update on the iPods that would make them incompatible with the previous driver....

JoelP - 7/7/06 at 06:46 PM

Originally posted by stevebubs
PErhaps because iTunes forces you to work "how it works" rather than how you work...oh and the number of times it's wiped my iPod just to reinstall all the tracks again is unbefeckinbelieveable.

Dump it...piece of sh!t....

that sums it up perfectly. I have no problems with windows and bill gates, it all works just swimmingly for me. I dislike almost every detail about itunes. I dont like that it made itself the default media player. I dont like that you cant group select and and make a play list like you can with windows media player. I dont like how you select a tune, and it adds it to a file that just seems to grow eveyr bigger. I even end up with multiple copies of tunes that dont all work. I dont like the way that its not a proper file system like windows. Its alien, and must be destroyed. Now.