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GPS navigation system
Kook - 5/12/06 at 09:53 AM

Can anyone give me a bit more info on these things ... I am a nightmare at getting lost so am thinking of getting one.
Have been looking at info and cannot find out if i have to pay a monthly fee to use the gps or is it included. Cheers

Scotty - 5/12/06 at 09:59 AM

i have a tomtom addon for my mobile phone, works really well
apart from the purchase cost,
there are no monthly charges, but map updates have to be paid for , unless you know where to get them from

Jon Ison - 5/12/06 at 10:07 AM

I am more than happy with my Navman, makes you a bit idle when driving though and sometimes get interference on 5 live. FM radio is unaffected though.

Edit too add, no fees'.

[Edited on 5/12/06 by Jon Ison]

Agriv8 - 5/12/06 at 10:41 AM

TOm tom 6 running on My Pda ( pocket pc 2003 ) through a wired Receiver.

Excelent plus the Speed camera notification must have saved me a least 4 or 5 times.



DarrenW - 5/12/06 at 10:44 AM

Ive got a cheap Tomtom (Go300 i think it is). Excellent, cant fault it. Sometimes i find myself on new roads that are not on the map but thats not the gizmos fault, i just need an updated map.

So where do you get updated maps from? (and i dont mean high street outlets).

RazMan - 5/12/06 at 11:01 AM

I've got two Navman setups. Absolutely essential if you are navigationally challenged like me.

viatron - 5/12/06 at 11:51 AM

got the tomtom one which is great and also the garmin 13 for the missus which is also good but a bit smaller (she wanted something she could get in her handbag), also have route66 on the phone but the tomtom is better

check out

always had good service from them

macnab - 5/12/06 at 11:56 AM

I've got road angel, just brill works great. Its got the speed camera thing and will save your licence.

macnab - 5/12/06 at 01:11 PM

Its one off those things you didn't relies you needed till you got it. I got lost all the time going down south. Very handy in the dark or fog cos you can see what the roads going to do well in advance. I don't feel comfortable driving now without it. I'd love to make a head up display (like in fighter planes) so I wouldn't have to look over all the time. Yeh, I'll just shut up now...!