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Nurburgring ££££
antimony - 22/4/08 at 10:41 AM

Has anyone who has been to "the ring" give me an idea of total cost for the weekend. I've seen that the ferries / tunnel cost £100 - 200 depending what time of day you travel, so how much is accomodation, how many laps is realistic (at £10 - 12 per lap), and how much fuel do you get through at the ring? - I know its an 800+ mile round trip to get there which is about £100 petrol in an Elise. It's not my car but as a passenger I will be paying half the costs.

worX - 22/4/08 at 10:56 AM


iank - 22/4/08 at 11:08 AM

So £700 for 25 laps unless you crash at which point it gets very expensive. Doesn't sound unrealistic.

antimony - 22/4/08 at 11:16 AM

Thanks for the link - kinda looks expensive.

hobbsy - 22/4/08 at 11:24 AM

Ferry can be less than that.

I've just booked one for £66 for a camper van with 3 of us in.

Or do what I did last March and book a return flight for £18 (inc taxes) to Frankfurt Hahn, hire a car off one of the remaining companies that doesn't explicitly ban it and rag that around instead.

worX - 22/4/08 at 11:31 AM

I too think it can be done quite a bit cheaper than that Dave, but it doesn't hurt when planning a trip like that to know the upper end of the cost bracket. Then you spend time finding cheaper trip options...

I've only been once (on bike) and the trip was amazing, but the 'Ring was just a part of it. When I go again (next year - in Car) I will enjoy the 'Ring even more as I know exactly what to expect and I'll be in car... Really looking forward to next years trip. Going with another member off here (McLannahan) and both are wives, so am doing 1 night in Lille, then 3 at the 'Ring and then 4 in Brussels...


Originally posted by hobbsy
Ferry can be less than that.

I've just booked one for £66 for a camper van with 3 of us in.

Or do what I did last March and book a return flight for £18 (inc taxes) to Frankfurt Hahn, hire a car off one of the remaining companies that doesn't explicitly ban it and rag that around instead.

Hammerhead - 22/4/08 at 11:33 AM

I'm taking the Elise in June, and will be budgeting for £1000 but going for four days. Guest house is cheap, but there is euro tunnel crossing, fuel, food, drinks , extra insurance, new underwear, not to mention any damage to the ring is you happen to cause an accident.

High risk IMO, but I'm excited about going.


hobbsy - 22/4/08 at 11:42 AM

On a separate note (and post) I'm going late May for the ADAC 24hrs, read all about it here:

Anyone else going (post in the new thread if so).

Dangle_kt - 22/4/08 at 12:32 PM

25 laps!!!! At best part of 20 odd mins each, then queueing time between laps, lunch etc.

thats ALOT of laps, and when your tired you make mistakes, its often the last session that sees a number of crashes on track days.

JimGTI - 22/4/08 at 12:38 PM

i've just got back (well easter weekend) and me and my brother went halves on everything.. all up it cost about £500 (£250 each) except for a speeding fine... that cost a lot more...

**tip do not speed on the way back in to holland!!

iank - 22/4/08 at 12:45 PM

You don't have to use all 25 in one day, you have until 31st Dec to use them.

25 is the best value option unless you can can fit in 66 laps over a year in which case you should get the Jahreskarte.

p.s. Ms. Schmitz can do 10mins in a diesel transit

[Edited on 22/4/08 by iank]

JimGTI - 22/4/08 at 01:27 PM

i was a passenger in a 9min 30 lap and it felt fooking quick............

god knows what a sub 8 minute lap is like!!

I'm going back in september hopefully

alistairolsen - 22/4/08 at 01:29 PM

Originally posted by hobbsy
Ferry can be less than that.

I've just booked one for £66 for a camper van with 3 of us in.

Or do what I did last March and book a return flight for £18 (inc taxes) to Frankfurt Hahn, hire a car off one of the remaining companies that doesn't explicitly ban it and rag that around instead.

Does anyone have a list of such companies?

And airlines that fly somewhere sensible in germany?


[Edited on 22/4/08 by alistairolsen]

hobbsy - 22/4/08 at 01:53 PM

For me it was Ryanair (I think) who flew Stansted to Frankfurt Hahn.

antimony - 22/4/08 at 02:32 PM

Originally posted by hobbsy
hire a car off one of the remaining companies that doesn't explicitly ban it and rag that around instead.

Any idea which are those elusive companies?

cossiebri - 22/4/08 at 02:51 PM

I'm going 5 weeks today
driving down with a load of friends ,9 cars including a 3dr cossie,2wd saff cossie,a mk2 escort van with a 380hp cossie lump,mr2 turbo,mk2 escort zetec,cavalier gsi, my car(if i finish it) and a couple of tintops
ferry crossing was £73 dover to dunkerque,hotel is 80 euro's a night b&b for a treble room, meals are cheap (and plentiful), beer is also cheap.
Went last year in august and it pi$$ed it down all week fog,sleet while over here we had a mini heat wave:madthe ring was still open,but i'm not that brave)

JimGTI - 22/4/08 at 04:20 PM

Originally posted by antimony
Originally posted by hobbsy
hire a car off one of the remaining companies that doesn't explicitly ban it and rag that around instead.

Any idea which are those elusive companies? great cars set up for the track... just don't bin one

Pants On Fire - 22/4/08 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by alistairolsen
Originally posted by hobbsy
Ferry can be less than that.

I've just booked one for £66 for a camper van with 3 of us in.

Or do what I did last March and book a return flight for £18 (inc taxes) to Frankfurt Hahn, hire a car off one of the remaining companies that doesn't explicitly ban it and rag that around instead.

Does anyone have a list of such companies?

And airlines that fly somewhere sensible in germany?


[Edited on 22/4/08 by alistairolsen]

Ryan Scare fly to Frankfurt Hahn it's not far in a hire car from Hahn to Nurburg.

Went last year over the DTM weekend and camped (locost) very good campsite and excellent facilities showers, bogs & basins, electric points all around and secure as well.

Food is dirt cheap all around the Ring in the villages and towns, the usual suspects like the Pistenklaus (sp) tend to get booked up early, oh and I hope you like pork, it's pork or pork on the menu and if you're lucky steak.

I did 12 laps last year in 2 full days and 1 evening, more than enough considering it's a c1000 mile round trip as well just to get there.

Am off again over DTM weekend this year in July, will hopefully report back in once safely home again.

TOP TIP!!! Bring your own oil. Oil sold in the garages around the Ring is double the UK price, the upside is most of the garages sell 100 RON mmmmmmmm octane.

[Edited on 22/4/08 by Pants On Fire]

jos - 22/4/08 at 07:52 PM

how do you find out what days the ring is not open to the public / arive & drive people

cossiebri - 22/4/08 at 08:19 PM

Originally posted by jos
how do you find out what days the ring is not open to the public / arive & drive people

Try this


alistairolsen - 24/4/08 at 11:37 AM

Anyone know which hire companies are ring friendly?

hobbsy - 24/4/08 at 12:15 PM

U2U me, I'd rather not post it up on here as it may result in them being non ring friendly if everyone uses them.

They aren't ring friendly per se, just not blatantly ring un-friendly i.e. I wouldn't inform them of your exact intentions when collecting it! There is no mention of it in their small print etc.

Davey D - 25/11/08 at 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
25 laps!!!! At best part of 20 odd mins each, then queueing time between laps, lunch etc.

thats ALOT of laps, and when your tired you make mistakes, its often the last session that sees a number of crashes on track days.

20mins per lap? thats some serious sunday driving going on there

when i went i managed a 12minute lap on my first go... i had played the track a few times on the Ps2 though lol

hobbsy - 25/11/08 at 11:20 AM

Was 12mins in your kit car?

My mate did a ~13mins lap in his T25 camper which has the aero of a brick, weighs about 2tons and only has ~60bhp.