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gearbox problems.plz help
stretch - 19/1/04 at 08:31 PM

1st. i have a 1600 kent, and a single rail type3 box 4spd.

the problem is i've taking the engine and the gearbox out twice allready, i can get parts for the 4spd box, and its a hell of a mission taking it out the whole time -its just not getting fixed. its slipping into 2nd and i'm unable to gear down from 3rd to 2nd.

i think the only option i have is to upgrade to a newer type 5spd box, what will fit? and what would be the best??, i use the car as a daily driver but also for race days.

thanks for any inputs


Stu16v - 19/1/04 at 10:11 PM

That will be a job for a Sierra Type9. As for conversion, difficult to say TBH, as there are a few variants of 4 spd floating about. Box will mate straight to engine, rear mounting *may* have to be modified or moved back slightly, propshaft might have to be shortened, and there may be a size difference with the prop splines (depending on your existing box). But no major hassle.....Hopefully.....

stretch - 20/1/04 at 05:33 AM

yeah, the 4spd box i have atm, it also one with a separate bellhousing, just want to know - if anyone knows if the clutch will work - as is?, will the type9 bolt staight onto the kent? i dont mind modding the prop shaft

i just need to get a working gearbox, then i'll b happy

stretch - 20/1/04 at 06:17 AM

this proved very helpfull!

just to let everyone know what a bad day i'm having, i payd R1900 to have my gearbox fixed, thats bout 160pounds - THATS AlOT OF MONEY IN .za and its not fixed! many hours of work taking the box out and putting it back together again!
i'm not impressed. i have a car that i cannot drive....

not i have to take the box out AGAIN! this is why i want to get a 5spd or sumthing newer now

Markp - 20/1/04 at 07:10 PM

I have just change from the mk2 escort 4 speed box to the sierra 5 speed box.

the bellhousing goes straight on, you need the 190mm clutch friction plate from the sierra and that just goes on under the escort pressure plate. the gearbox mounting will need to be moved, the metal plate between the engine and box need modifying near the starter motor, starter motor fits but not sure if it works yet. Also the speedo might need to recalibrated. and the prop shortening.

I managed to do it last weekend but havent managed to fire it up as yet.


200mph - 20/1/04 at 08:07 PM

having read the locust link about the 4spd vx 5spd, was wondering how much weight could be removed from the Type 9?

It certainly is much heavier than the type 3, which is a real disadvantage, as I wanted my locost as light as possible.

I assume its possible to have the bellhousing drilled?



stretch - 21/1/04 at 09:49 AM

i think i'm keeping my type 3 box, its the same size as the type9 more/less, altho its only 4 speed, i drive 140km/h nicely with it, not revving to high. put the pull in 1st and 2nd gear is amazing on it.

i just need to get baulk rings for it just finding then in south-africa is proving to be a problem. if u have any lying around, or know where i can get? plz let me know. burton power sells them for 84pound, but thats WAY to exspensive for me paying in rands


James - 21/1/04 at 01:35 PM

Originally posted by 9904169

It certainly is much heavier than the type 3, which is a real disadvantage, as I wanted my locost as light as possible.

I assume its possible to have the bellhousing drilled?



You can get alloy bell housing.

There's one on e-bay at the mo:

No connection!



200mph - 21/1/04 at 02:12 PM

cheers for that! any idea how much a type 9 would weigh with alloy bellhousing?

James - 21/1/04 at 02:16 PM


No idea mate- sorry!

200mph - 21/1/04 at 04:23 PM

decisions decisions.....

taking the pros and the cons into consideration, ..... I dont have a clue what to do..

maybe i should ask my girlfriend, she would be COMPLETELY logical and detatched from any decision. She does that sometimes
But then again, who builds a locost because its logical??
